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I just read this article and I know it's a pipe dream, but setting up a small SN mining pool would give everyone a chance to learn about mining and earn some sats. I think it would be a good marketing tool for Stacker News too.
Tell me why this is another one of my futile, ridiculous ideas.
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86 sats \ 1 reply \ @BlokchainB 15h
I have a bitaxe so I can help with a bit of hash.
That would be great, if it could air on SN.
Isn't it possible to create a subset of miners in OCEAN? I know it’d be cool to start a new pool, but that would take specialized work and maybe even someone full-time. We could also look into the possibilities with the new mining pool #916718
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @BlokchainB 15h
You! Of course
I will put my sats where my mouth is. I know my tech limitations so I need someone to set up the node.
36 sats \ 6 replies \ @Satosora 11h
This sounds fun. Can we get it up amd going?
I'm hoping someone with the know how steps up. If it has to be me, I have to be sure my server is sound before I do anything.
36 sats \ 4 replies \ @Satosora 9h
Maybe k00b can add it as part of the site?
I think he has enough on his plate, and I'm not sure how it could be structured. It would be great, though.
36 sats \ 2 replies \ @Satosora 9h
Maybe someone in pleblab knows a little something about mining?
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 9h
I'm sure they do! I'm hoping someone steps up.
136 sats \ 8 replies \ @DarthCoin 13h
It doesn't look that difficult to do. Even I can cut and paste. The problem is when problems crop up. Then I break down.
136 sats \ 2 replies \ @DarthCoin 13h
I have faith in you. From being a lawyer you went to be a bitcoin node runner and learned a lot of tech shit. That is a lot !
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 13h
Retirement is boring
208 sats \ 0 replies \ @DarthCoin 13h
why do you think I decided to write all those guides and start building a citadel? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
You should have a pretty good tech support system backing you up right here on Stacker.News!
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 12h
Imagine that SNPool will mine 3 blocks in a row ! hahahahaha
also is a cool name SN from Satoshi Nakamoto
SN Pool would be a great name
True. Maybe once my nice Start9 server is back in business I'll dedicate it to the project. I'll just use it for the node.
How can we do this?
The link I provided gives a pretty good explanation. There are details we need to figure out. Would it only be a solo lottery mining pool? How easy would it be to have payouts sent via a lightning address like Braiins?
I'd contribute hash. If we wanted to go the Ocean route, I think the node needs to run on Knots (which mine does not).
Yes, it's an added complication. To get LN payouts you need to run core lightning at this time.
That's also true. I believe even their block construction protocol requires a Knots bitcoin node.
I, also not being hugely technical, am facing too much inertia for making the switch from Bitcoin core. Theres too much I'm be afraid I'd be at risk of 'breaking'
@BitcoinMechanic are there any guides that maybe pertinent here?
The Ocean web site has really good guides. I was all set up with knots and datum running great last week. Then... my Start9 went whacky. Nothing is running now. Start9 support has been great. I'm currently syncing the chain for bitcoin core again. They think it's a hardware issue. Once I'm confident in my equipment I will try again.
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @unschooled 14h
Did you switch over from Core?
I'm currently syncing the chain for bitcoin core again
precisely what I'd like to avoid.
I did switch from core. I think I had underlying hardware problems which caused my struggles. On Start9 switching from core to knots wasn't really difficult. It is cool to see how much control knots gives you.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @optimism 12h
I think the node needs to run on Knots
I found this note, emph. mine:
NOTE: We recommend setting up your Bitcoin Node with Bitcoin Knots as it has more template controls than CORE.
I read that as: even if you wanna run Peter's libre-relay that's cool too. Maybe @BitcoinMechanic can confirm.
If you make this happen, I will buy a bit axe right away!
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @zapsammy 14h
i wud be in with a Bitaxe!
I brought this up a while ago. I think it's a great idea. Sort of in between solo YOLO mining and regular big pool payouts.
Exactly. And it's for a good cause- decentralization. I think the Ocean model would be too much friction-knots, core lightning, and Bolt12. We still would need LN payouts though, along the Braiins model, I guess.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @grayruby 15h
This sounds like a fun idea.