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21 sats \ 4 replies \ @DarthCoin 18 Mar \ on: Alby transaction not sending (stuck) bitcoin
Based on the lack of information you've just posted anybody trying to give you an answer will have to use the magic crystal ball guessing what happened:
Sending a payments over LN depends of many factors that are missing in this post:
- type of node you have
- destination node
- channel peer or LiSP you have used
- fees set you were willing to pay
- LN graph sync status
- type of connection you were using
Practically NOBODY will be able to give you a pertinent answer based on that useless screenshot. Just because you have enough outbound liquidity it means nothing. Is like saying "I have this glass full of water, why I can't pour it into this tiny pipe?"
Your problem is the pipe not the glass.
In addition I would like you to read this guide about how LN liquidity works
and watch this excellent short video by Rene Pickhardt
This video was a great demonstration. Thank you!
Answers to some of your questions:
- Start9 (server one)
- Sending to CoinOs and Boltz from Alby (doing some coin control)
- See photo attached*
- I am using clearnet
- Start9 is not a node, is just an UI for a node. When I refer to "node type" it means:
- private or public (announced or unannounced channels)
- type of LN implementation (LND, CLN, LDK, Rust, Eclair). There are (still) some incompatibilities between implementations si is good to mention what type of node you are running.
- Nice balanced :)
So now, after you saw that video demo, I hope you understand where could be the problem: those channels somewhere in between do not have enough liquidity for your HTLC (amount of sats to go through a HTLC) or they are using some kind of filter in HTLC size for your channels.
My advice (now that I see you have also Thunderhub installed):
- try to use a specific channel (create the payment with specific route) when you pay
- try to use MPP (multi-part payment) with 2-3 channels and many shards. That means your payment can go through multiple channels and using multiple small parts. If one of those peers is limiting the HTLC size, by using MPP you also reduce the HTLC size, bust is like sending multi tiny parts at once.
- increase the fee % willing to pay for that payment.
Thanks @DarthCoin, I always appreciate your help. Sorry for my ignorance, still trying to learn this stuff.
When you say to use MPP, are you referring to the "max paths" option in thunderhub when sending? I've actually never sent directly out of thunderhub, always just through alby, but I should probably change that.
My intention for having my node is to receive payments mostly. Receiving paymens for products that I sell, and also purchasing more sats on RoboSats and sending out to atomic swap for coin control before cold storage.
Yes, "max paths" means MPP.
You can also select channels you want to sue for that payment.
Yes, Alby doesn't have (yet) this function for MPP.