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No, it's not just you — people really are less smart than they used to be.
As the Financial Times reports, assessments show that people across age groups are having trouble concentrating and losing reasoning, problem-solving, and information-processing skills — all facets of the hard-to-measure metric that "intelligence" is supposed to measure.  
Author's take: Look where have we gotten with all this artificial intelligence and technology, folks? 😢
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Wow! That's a reversal of a very long-term trend of increasing intelligence. IIRC, intelligence had been advancing at about 4 IQ points per century.
As it's with everything - very hard to build but tremendously easy to destroy 🤯
Its all the tik tok and short term dopamine hits which is why intelligence keeps on declining. I expect it to increase unless we revamp all this dopamine people are now getting...
Thanks Steve Jobs. Thanks Mark Zuckerberg
OMG time for my sixth re-watch of Idiocracy
Yeah, love that movie!