It took me a while to reach this stage, but I will confidently say that being a parent has made me more Zen.
This March holidays, I was unceremoniously saddled with four homework assignments that were not of my volition. Two each from each child, one in English and the other in Chinese. Both allegedly aimed to hone my children’s oral speaking skills.
I remember a time in which I would have been super pissed off by this imposition on my limited free time. But, perhaps since I managed to sneak out of the house to have a drinking session at 10.30pm last night, I could maintain a sanguine attitude toward things.
Anyway, yesterday, I helped my daughter finished both projects. And, to top it off, I worked with my son to come out with this 3D washing machine. I even went the extra mile to take photos and create an e-book with Book Creator. Managed to hold my patience even though he kept pressing the letters and not concentrating on spelling the words. Managed to incorporate words like special, adventure, machine - words that may be part of his Spelling list in lower primary haha.
I also foresee a time in which I would use the book to attune him to the properties of materials in middle primary. Sensei is sowing seeds of knowledge for the future.
I think I have learnt that if I just grab the bull by the horns and plan to clear things in advance, parenting need not be so insufferable.