News Of The Week
Welcome to Books & Articles Weekly. @denlillaapan dominated the top 5, as usual, but there was good content overall. @realBitcoinDog posted a trailer for the launch of 21 Futures, Volume Two this week, and @denlillaapan reminded us about the release of Nik Bhatia’s new book: Bitcoin Age. With Lepard’s new book waiting on my shelf, I have a lot of reading to do.
Reminder: For the time being I will zap the top post half the rewards I receive about twenty four hours after the post, rather than split zaps into cowboy credits. I have forgotten until later in the week to zap the top post once in a while. I apologize, and I won’t be offended by a gentle reminder.
Happy reading!
As always, please reply with suggestions and opinions on how to make this territory better.
Top Posts Of The Week
Siggy’s Suggestions
NEW TRAILER for LAUNCH of 21 Futures - Second Vol of Bitcoin Fiction Anthology! by @realBitcoinDog Fiction fans should be sure to check out this trailer, and take advantage of the discount. You can read @realBitcoinDog’s work, and stories from other writers. I’m just starting to read my copy now.
It’s just a link post, but I enjoyed scrolling through Bowie’s favorite books. So many of mine are on the list (On The Road, A Clockwork Orange, 1984, The Great Gatsby, and many more) that I’m inspired to read more on the list. I didn’t know that Bowie was a big reader.
Writing Contests
Stackers’ Blogs
My Bitcoin Journey
Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.
Book Clubs
Happy The Hippo, an absolutely wonderful children’s book written by @cryotosensei for his son.