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70 sats \ 8 replies \ @kepford 14h
Trump is an authoritarian. So was Biden. So was Obama. So was Bush. Blah, blah, blah.
I have no problem with people calling him out on stuff, but so few of them call anyone else out on the same stuff.
Personally, I feel like this gets to me because all the other guys you named never did anything I agreed with. Trump drives me nuts because I really like more than half the things he is doing, but sometimes he scares the shit out of me.
As much as I hate the "Trump is Hitler" crap, I do assign a non-zero probability to Trump actually being Hitler.
There's probably something deep, historical, and cyclical about people pining for a strongman when existing leadership is completely failed
Exactly. I hate it too, then I see shit like this.
30 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 13h
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 9h
Yes, this is terrible, I have not read the article, and am ignorant about the context, but I suspect it has to do with the anti-Israel protests in the US universities?
Personally, I have only one single item in my Trump wishlist: de-escalation and withdrawal from Ukraine. Anything else (MAHA, DEI, DOGE etc) is just a bonus...
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 14h
Yeah, I feel ya. I feel that too. I feel it when I'm around die hard supporters.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 14h
What bugs me most about the opposition to Trump is that almost 100% of the people that say the typical things against him are clueless about previous administrations authoritarianism. Its not like I'm talking about Bush either. I'm talking about FDR and Lincoln. The truth is people don't like what is being done. They are fine with jack booted thugs enforcing THEIR will on the people. Until we can drop that mentality it will be back and forth between these two terrible teams.
Its not that Trump is great. He's not. Its that those that oppose him are so terrible at it. They aren't sending their best. It is pathetic that Trump's opponents such so much.
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @kurszusz 13h
There needs to be some sort of order, but I don't think this is the right solution. About the affirmation that Trump is an authoritarian...maybe yes (most probably), but a LEADER can't be "laissez-faire" (imo)
I like the idea of a laissez-faire leader.
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 14h
I mean if its illegal and esp. if the people causing havoc are here on student visa's then I mean... look you broke the law. So many of these Universities have endowments that are stupid big and so if they dont want the government funding they dont have to take it and then can get around this.
The protests got so out of hand I am not surprised a heavy handed response has come though I doubt there would be follow through. Plus he has been checked by the courts and Congress enough that checks and balances are clearly in play.
It really depends on what will be considered an illegal protest. I get the impression Trump's line for that is not very close to mine.