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What's your name, except replace the first letter... Gottem
This. Cause it is there clear as day
I'm genuinely confused. I was just joking around, did I make you angry?
I mean there have been a ton of people here who don’t think I do and who doubt and clown me so yeah my default it that lol
People treat me like shit about my job here πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Lol. I told my mom pre election that I know a guy that may lose his job and hope he doesn't.
Definitely not me on either count. 🀣
lol I mean my whole freaking goal is to provide transparency
Some people take it as anti or pro Trump and I’m trying to thread the middle with it.
End of the day I’m 110% in DJT corner I just wish he would say things a little bit more gracefully sometimes πŸ˜‚