For those that are confused the State of the Union or SOTU is delivered by a President in the second, third, and fourth years of their term not their first.
This is something that we tend to do more so in ~Stacker_Sports but given the weight that this is likely to carry I figured this would be a good place for people to be able to not only post there thoughts but also ask questions.
Many have doubted me and who I am and already one person has paid me 10k sats when they realized I was legit. I work for the Majority Science, Space, and Technology Committee which is why I post so much about not only politics but space. If you want more info without giving my name I have worked for SST longer than most on my Committee.
Here is a livestream to the AP State of the Union
Let me know if this is something that yall would like to continue to do or if it is more of a Stacker Sports exclusive!