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Unfortunately with halvings (and likely increased competition) set to reduce projected payouts/TH over time that 8 years estimate is probably going to be an ever receding horizon- you just must buy more miners to ever reach payout!- or set up LN payouts , or go for the big long odds full block jackpot win as a solo miner.
Brains give a constant estimate of sats/day/TH and it has declined over time as more miners join the competition for sats.
The ease of setting up LN payouts on Braiins is an advantage over Ocean although Ocean appear to be more aligned with fighting the man.
I am just starting to explore the different pools and the landscape. I think I'll enjoy the journey. I really wish I could take advantage of alternative energy mining, but it's not practical.
Yes to support the Nano3S on full power 24/7 you would need a fairly decent solar setup. I struggle to power my Nano3 on low power 24/7 (70 watts/2.2TB) using the 600 watt PV 200ah/24v/4.8kwh lifepo4 battery system that otherwise provides all our offgrid electric needs (fridge-freezer, lights, internet etc) cooking is on gas and woodstove. The solar setup cost about ~ USD$1700. So just is not economic/viable to home mine using solar unless you need the solar setup anyway...or only mine when the sun shines.
That is fantastic! I really am interested in learning more about your setup. Have you ever written about it on SN? I was looking at this site, but it makes no sense economically:
No I will try to write something up about the offgrid system this week...its fairly basic but does the job and keeps the fridge freezer going 24/7 so that's the main thing. But I cannot see how you can make it even remotely economic if only using for Bitcoin mining. Hydro if you were lucky enough to have a steady flow waterway would be the ultimate as you have constant power and can match and maximise the potential of the miners. We are always up against the devaluation of the miners as faster more efficient competitors come online. Your Nano3S 6TB being significantly more efficient than my 4TB Nano3 when the Nano3 was new only a few months ago.
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 6h
Right. You might be able to set up one of those alternative windmills that are smaller. It might make enough energy to power some of your equipment. What kind. of alternative energy mining would you want to do?
Wind would be the most practical where I live. Hydro would be really cool, but that's an unlikely option😀
36 sats \ 2 replies \ @Satosora 6h
You could always get lucky. How were you mining with your bitax? solo?
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 6h
Yes, but I lost interest quickly for some reason. I may crank it up again.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Satosora 6h
Thats part of the game, losing interest and coming back to it whenever your passion has renewed.