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Why Did I Buy This Thing?

Well, not to get rich. Considering the average cost of electricity in the U.S., you can probably just about break even at today’s bitcoin prices. Where I live I’m probably operating at a loss. So why am I doing this?
  • No KYC bitcoin
  • Do My Part To Keep Bitcoin Decentralized
  • I Want To Learn About Bitcoin Mining
  • I Like Gadgets
  • My BitAxe Ultra Wasn’t Cutting It Anymore

The Unboxing

After a spur of the moment decision to buy this miner, I waited almost a month for it to be delivered. Usually my wife and daughter are the ones watching the front door for UPS deliveries. I rarely buy stuff, so they got a kick out of me constantly checking the front steps for a package.
When it finally arrived, I forced myself to resist jumping right in to set it up. I always screw this type of stuff up by rushing, so I watched a few youtube how-to videos and read a few articles about the machine first.
As usual, I ran into issues right away. As it turned out, the problem wasn’t with the machine, but with the really old android tablet I had chosen to run the Avalon family app. That was resolved by switching to a newer android device. Based on my limited prior experience with bitaxe, and the youtube videos I had watched which were focused on the Avalon 3, I assumed I needed to use a 2.5GHz network connection. The signal was weak in the basement, where family negotiations had concluded (my wife said) that all bitcoin mining must occur. I eventually discovered that the 3S can use a 5GHz network. This solved all my problems, since I had good mesh coverage with the 5GHz.
From there, it was an easy process for the app to discover the miner (through bluetooth), and then set up wifi. For those who choose not to use the app, you can run the miner through LAN with a browser using the miner’s IP address.

The Avalon Family App

Once you download the app, you will be prompted to create an account. For this they collect an e-mail address. This is not mandatory. You can skip the screen. The only drawback is that you cannot access support without registering.
The next screen will prompt you to add a device:
You need bluetooth on and location enabled for this part. Once the device is paired, you can add your network SSID and password.
The app lets you control many aspects of your miner:
One thing I was curious about was the power settings. I have read about issues with the Nano 3 sometimes not being able to achieve full power. I have been running my 3S on full power since I set it up. Right now I’m getting 6.37TH/s.
If you’re interested in stats about the 3S, I found this web site:
My initial setbacks allowed me to make some discoveries. The Avalon 3s uses an invisible button, which is pressed with a small metal device. It is the small hole to the right of the usb port which holds the wifi receiver.
The tool:
If you lose the tool, a paper clip can probably be substituted. Click once, and you can reset the wifi network. Hold it down for 5 seconds for a factory reset. It works like a charm. I had to do both a few times.

Adding A Mining Pool And Bitcoin Address

Now I was in the home stretch. I had to choose a mining pool. I decided I was not going to swing for the fences by solo mining. I looked into Braains and Ocean. I eventually chose Ocean, because I didn’t need to make an account and the setup looked easier. I narrowed it down to those two because I like the idea of lightning payouts, but I didn’t go that route.
For Ocean, you just give them a bitcoin address and that becomes your account name. I also like their dashboard, although it was a little depressing. They figure that if I don’t add any more workers (miners), I will probably get a payout in 8 years. The good news? It’s been less than 24 hours, and I’m already obsessed. I’m hunting around for more workers.
Ocean figures that I can expect to earn 334 sats per day (.00000344btc). Their on chain payout threshold is .0104 btc.


I am very happy. The Avalon 3S miner is a solid, beautiful little machine. I won’t get rich, but I do get to fight the man.
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57 sats \ 3 replies \ @IamSINGLE 3h
8 years is too long? Do they not give an option of LN payouts?
101 sats \ 2 replies \ @siggy47 OP 3h
They do. You need a CLN node and Bolt 12. I didn't set it up.
57 sats \ 1 reply \ @petertodd 2h
Have you tried it with Phoenix wallet? It does bolt12 too.
I have not. Good idea.
Sounds simple enough for a dummy like me. @k00b recommends it highly as a hand warmer, so that's going to be my main use for it next winter.
34 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 6h
I thought it might provide some warmth in the basement room where it's set up, but so far @k00b is right. It is also incredibly quiet.
I'm sure I'll put it in the basement during the summer.
Nice write up mate. Pleb mining will run the world
Congrats You have inspired me to do the same Maybe
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @BlokchainB 4h
My BitAxe Ultra Wasn’t Cutting It Anymore
151 sats \ 0 replies \ @siggy47 OP 4h
There was nothing wrong with it. I just got a little bored.
Cool guide! I would buy one but I am too poor right now lol
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Aardvark 5h
Breaking even at today's prices means getting ahead in the long run significantly. I'm going to bookmark this and dive into it a bit more later.
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 5h
Are you getting warm with that miner?
One of my index fingers is pretty warm😀
It doesn't produce much heat.
Nice acquisition. Keep us informed. I like to learn from other people's experiences! Ahahah. Mining with ocean, can you set up your block template or do you have to respect theirs?
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 6h
They offer Datum, but I haven't set it up:
I've grown fond of Ocean. Not forcing you to use their template says a lot about their intentions!
Including the cost of energy, do you have an expected payback period? The advantages you mentioned are truly beneficial for the entire network, and I appreciate that.
I plan to do my part by running a full node—for now, I can’t mine, as energy costs in my country make it not worth it.
As for the appearance, it’s beautiful and seems to have a very functional design. However, it lacks the charm of those ASICs that look like giant power supplies.
I'm not really keeping track, but if you check that link I included in the post they are giving a minute by minute update on the profit/loss based on an average cost of electricity. I think it's just below break even right now. BTC fiat price is of course the deciding factor.
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @LibertasBR 6h
So the main benefit is helping the network become more decentralized. Plus, you get to have a great machine at home that, even if it’s not making a profit, doesn’t bring too much of a loss.
What else can you do with it? Can you use it as your own Bitcoin node? I’m not very familiar with mining.
No. It's just a miner. And a hand warmer😀
I am in a similar boat as the OP, albeit running a futurebit Apollo2. It was obvious to me running such little hashrate at home was only worth having it solo mining , no daily rewards but entering the lottery every 10 minutes. This way you still get a space heater but you also are more likely to run it irrespective of sat/dollar - as you may (unlikely but you can’t be in the lottery until you are competing) mine a block and reap the wards. A bitaxe has done it, why wouldn’t you be in the lottery!
In that sense, I would rather keep the machine in a pool to earn some sats as a form of payment for the “decentralization work” my machine is doing. After all, you help the network, even if only slightly, by keeping it solid and get paid for the energy cost.
46 sats \ 11 replies \ @Satosora 6h
You will have to tell up how it preforms everyday. Maybe you might hit it big and get .01?
Unlikely, but I'll give updates.
Unfortunately with halvings (and likely increased competition) set to reduce projected payouts/TH over time that 8 years estimate is probably going to be an ever receding horizon- you just must buy more miners to ever reach payout!- or set up LN payouts , or go for the big long odds full block jackpot win as a solo miner.
Brains give a constant estimate of sats/day/TH and it has declined over time as more miners join the competition for sats.
The ease of setting up LN payouts on Braiins is an advantage over Ocean although Ocean appear to be more aligned with fighting the man.
I am just starting to explore the different pools and the landscape. I think I'll enjoy the journey. I really wish I could take advantage of alternative energy mining, but it's not practical.
Yes to support the Nano3S on full power 24/7 you would need a fairly decent solar setup. I struggle to power my Nano3 on low power 24/7 (70 watts/2.2TB) using the 600 watt PV 200ah/24v/4.8kwh lifepo4 battery system that otherwise provides all our offgrid electric needs (fridge-freezer, lights, internet etc) cooking is on gas and woodstove. The solar setup cost about ~ USD$1700. So just is not economic/viable to home mine using solar unless you need the solar setup anyway...or only mine when the sun shines.
That is fantastic! I really am interested in learning more about your setup. Have you ever written about it on SN? I was looking at this site, but it makes no sense economically:
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 6h
Right. You might be able to set up one of those alternative windmills that are smaller. It might make enough energy to power some of your equipment. What kind. of alternative energy mining would you want to do?
Wind would be the most practical where I live. Hydro would be really cool, but that's an unlikely option😀
36 sats \ 2 replies \ @Satosora 6h
You could always get lucky. How were you mining with your bitax? solo?
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 6h
Yes, but I lost interest quickly for some reason. I may crank it up again.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Satosora 6h
Thats part of the game, losing interest and coming back to it whenever your passion has renewed.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Meani123 6h
Hope you enjoy your device. And best best of your post was your family enjoying watching you always aware at the window to see when your package finally came lol. It even brought you a nice memorable family moment :)
Nice! That seems like a pretty decent hash rate for the price of the device. Can you confirm what you paid for the device?
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @siggy47 OP 6h
I didn't shop around. $399US including shipping.