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I'm thinking the CCs/tech complication of it ought to be a prime candidate + lower rewards/zaps. Just too messy to deal with; and we're not bribed enough to hang about
Yes, that's also a possibility, I haven't been here on SN long enough - to experience what it was like before.
Look at what happened to @Alby after they moved from Custodial to self-hosted cloud-based nodes. I can at least say from my personal experience - all our team members literally stopped using alby for testing and switched to WoS. It takes forever to zap from alby, sometimes like 5-15 seconds.
Self-custodial is great for a lot of use-cases, but if interferes with UX, then its a road-blocker and needs to be re-looked.
We're getting fewer bot posts, but more quality posts, imo.
CCs/tech complication of it ought to be a prime candidate
Strange, just because of CCs, people are leaving Stacker News. If they want sats, they can easily attach a wallet and still receive rewards in sats as well. What's complex here? I don't understand why they couldn't use it to post and comment as they did with sats.
Lower rewards/Zaps?
They should ask what FB, TikTok, Twitter, etc. give them. When I joined here, I no longer felt like I was the product; I ditched every single social media platform out there recently.
We're not bribed enough to hang about.
It's their loss and the loss of people who are still into those platforms and have gone back. It's just like the majority of people who haven't discovered the value of Bitcoin and Stacker News. There is a wealth of information flowing around here just waiting to be discovered, whether by us or through random searches. People will find it (like I found Stacker News when I was searching for wallets).
@k00b and his team have created the best program ever, and I'm definitely hopeful that Stacker News will find its success. If I had a list of people who left Stacker News for the reasons you listed above, I would mute them straight away, I swear.
"easily attach."
Man, I wouldn't call it easy. And the growing pains/changing over was a mess. (I still understand nada of what's going on, and it breaks down once every few weeks).
"rewards" oh, for sure, compared to Twitter/centralized social media of course this is better. But I could also just go sit in the park? Watch a movie?
22 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 28 Feb
Yeah i'm a fairly OG stacker but i've been sticking to CCs because it just seems like a PITA that I'm too lazy to look into. I loaded up a few tens of thousands of sats prior to the update to not have to worry about it for a while.
Which wallet are you using? I'm using Coinos and WoS. Recently, I'm only using WoS because I don't want to ruin Coinos and be a burden on them for their good service just for zap sats. I do receive sats as well as CCs with no problem.