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Lmao its called picking your battles. We have other much more urgent issues and idk going after people who actually break the law. No laws were broken so why flip out?
The rest of the world is melting down that for once we are finally taking a stand with things and we are getting things done. Europe has had plenty of time in the last 70 years to build up and protect itself and it is wild that they have failed to do so. Their governments collapse like its the new cool thing on the block to do so excuse me if I could not care less about what one population or foreign government says when they cannot even govern within their borders.
Its called priorities and for to long Europe has put their citizens on the back burner.
You are laughing about the blatant debasement, decline and corruption of your own democracy and the global rules based international order that the USA once led. The joke is on you. Trump is doing deals with war criminal Putin and abandoning Europe and all liberal democracies upon which US authority was once built. Putin is only able to attack Ukraine because he has the support of China and it is buying his gas exports and enabling Russian trade payments via the Chinese shadow banking system outside of SWIFT. There is and will be a price to pay- this opens up the opportunity for China to advance from its victory in trade to leadership in governance. Chinas alternative trade payments network now supports N.Korea, Iran and Russia and more are joining BRICS and the Chinese alternative trade payments network which US institutions do not control or have any power over. Without USD hegemony via SWIFT USA looses USD seigniorage and interest income- USA is then swiftly insolvent. China can then take Taiwan with little or no resistance. Europe will fall to China because China has the economic strength while USA will become isolated and even more despotic- keep laughing as you taste the bitter fruits of the corruption of the principles your wealth and power were once built upon.
Chinas economy is 10X larger than Russia and Russia is now dependent and effectively a tribute state to China. Since India is dependent upon Russia for military technology so to some extent is India.
China has won the trade war and now is developing the institutional and protocols frame work of empire= the tertiary layers of Belt and Road.
USA under conman Trump and sidekick Putin is ceding to Chinas new empire.
Russia imports and exports are now settled by Chinas new trade payments settlement protocol based in Hong Kong.
The USA and its exceptionalists are in denial - its all but game over for the rotten and corrupt Empire USA and its rentseeking clingons. Get used to subjugation and subservience just like you once dished out to others so you could live beyond your means at their expense.
Also since you don’t like reading into things here is a video to help you with economy of scale ideas :)
Damn I thought American education had gone downhill but you sir are honest to God changing my mind and promoting American exceptionalism with these terrible terrible takes that do not stand up to the facts lmfao
Hmm you mean the same belt and road that Panama tore up? Not to mention countries in Africa and Latin America are taking a second look. Many have moved away and China has no recourse. What are they going to do send troops to the America's or to Africa? They dont have bases to supply them.
Sure they could try and send more Russian's to Africa but considering how bad they have been getting smoked and that they lost Syria which was a necessity to maintain supplies its all falling apart fam.
You are dreaming. Deal with the real world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Development_Bank
China today finances and builds the majority of new global infrastructure because it has the trade surpluses to fund it and because it has the productive economy to support it.
USA is a spent force left clinging to the vestiges of empire and led by a crooked and convicted criminal property developer.
China is led by a poliburo composed of 80% trained engineers. They are building the global infrastructure of a new empire- one that enriches the long neglected and subjugated 3rd world nations who are now embracing Chinese development projects.
500 sats \ 68 replies \ @Cje95 20 Feb
Oh Jesus Christ you did not just use Wiki as a source omg I am dying right now
Lets also once again remind you I use multiple facts and multifaceted approach. You with all the time it took not only failed to counter it as your sources are 9 months ago in the case of the pipeline already has an issue with Mongolia not clearing it but again please dont let facts stop you.
Facts tend to hurt feelings like they seem to with you. For what its worth the US import/export bank, the IMF, and the WB kinda dismantle your whole stick.
Feel free to try again but simple google search comes up with CRS reports throw cold water on the threat of this second pipeline.
Guys what are you arguing about? It sounds like you can both just agree that all the overlords suck. It doesn't matter what geography elected them, what culture they champion, what their agenda is or how far their sloppy nutsacks hang out of their hotpants.
They do not represent you and will just leech off your productivity and then you die. Unless you filter that noise, do w/e/t/f you wanna do. Then at least you got to do that and then you die. Imma zap you both now plz kiss make up and share 🍿
Also see #882879
So honest to God question what do you think happened during the Cold War? Do you think the Soviets used our banking system? Not at all and so when the US and Europe started sanctioning guess what they did they went right back to the old system that already was in place with India and China.
Now mind you China has not only started to distance and refuse payment in the ruble but has also begun limiting oil imports. Do you know where the oil actually goes? It goes to India that is the largest importer of cheap Russian crude. You arent even going after the correct country as India has continued to buy Russian arms as well so really honestly ya gotta have the updated data.
BRICS for one simple reason wont work when it comes to creating a single currency and it is the reason that the US dollar has maintained its dominance. A single country has to be in charge and if you think India and China who get into border fights are going to let the other countrol or Iran and the other Gulf Countries you are out of your mind.
Dollar dominace has actually only gained steam with crypto adoption because of USDC and USDT. Doesnt matter who or what country they still trade in that sweet sweet USD.
China wants Taiwan for the ASML chip machines. Once it came out that those things have dead man switches on them China has dramatically backed off because Taiwan will destroy everything that China needs. China cannot develop the 4 nm chips they are not even close to it yet they are two generations behind with tech they have developed internally.
China's economy is in deep deep trouble they havent bounced back at all like anyone thought and the city and province government are drowning in debt. China keeps doing purges of their leadership to stop the graft and even if they do the damage is already done. Only once country in the world is home to "modern" ghost cities and it isnt anywhere else but China. Throw in how they are facing a population cliff just like Russia and hell wait them out another 10-20 years their birthrate will take care of the issue.
Everything you are saying is what everyone, myself included, thought at the beginning of the conflict. Now we are seeing how wrong we all were.