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Governments and bankers have already largely captured the Bitcoin protocol. It seems most bitcoiners have not noticed that- The vast bulk of Bitcoin hodlers are KYCed- known and tracked and traced by the state. By far the majority narrative for Bitcoin has become seeing it and suing it as a speculative commodity- not a P2P censorship resistant payment protocol. Within a few short years the Majority of Bitcoin ever to be issued will be held in the custody of US based institutions where it is not available for use as a payments protocol...it is expressly excluded from such use in most cases. Bitcoin is not being used as a P2P payments protocol and appears unlikely to be in the foreseeable future. As long as Bitcoin remains a speculative commodity, taxed, tracked and traced, it poses little to no threat to the fiat operators payments hegemony. They don't need to apply a ban on private custody, they have achieved defacto obstruction of use for payments already. In classic cartel style the fiat operators have captured and controlled this upstart challenge to their market dominance, wealth and power...so slyly hardly anyone noticed.