With @Rsync25 gone, it's made a significant dent in the bitcoin news, and external happenings, that are reported here. Several stackers had muted rsync, because they view SN more like a forum or message board than a place to find out what's going on in bitcoin and elsewhere. Personally, I miss them, because I view SN as both a place for me to figure out what's going on in bitcoin, and a place talk about those goings on. It also feels super insular without external stuff getting talked about which tends to be polarizing and self-reinforcing.
Admittedly, rsync's style of posting was kind of lazy. In most cases, they weren't reading what they were sharing, commenting on it, or digging up the ledes in stories that are often buried. Yet, it was also effortful, because they weren't only grabbing stuff from the same crusty publications repeatedly that other link posters do; rsync would grab from the mailing list, delving, small web blogs of bitcoiners, github, etc. So without them, I don't have much of an idea about what's going on in bitcoin and I suspect many of you don't either, unless I go hunt for it myself. For me, rsync's activity was a significant portion of the value I get from SN as a consumer.
I'd like to brainstorm ways to incentivize folks to do more of that kind of rsync-style relatively original story hunting rather than going to the homepage of arstechnica, statista, and quoting the articles verbatim. There are things I can do like removing the option to add discussion posts from my territories, or giving territory founders the option to bias ranking toward link posts, but maybe there's something else. I can also be the change I want to see too of course, by setting up some kind of RSS/email/X and nostr list notification system for myself and at least make it less time consuming to do rsync's work in their stead.
if a file is missing?Rest In Sats SyncleBinkle!..