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@ek this is what I am not understanding. Why did this reply get zapped cc? If you or undisciplined are zapping this comment shouldn't it be coming as sats? Yet it got 23 cowboy credits.
Those came from me. Don't know why, though.
Is it because I have a non-zero balance in my SN wallet?
ek and k00b both seemed to imply if we can both receive sats it should default to sats not cc yet I keep getting cc. Let me zap you 100 and let me know if you got sats or cc.
75 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 3 Jan
Hey frens, this all was a bug. The backend wasn't informed the sender could send sats. It's fixed now.
Awesome. Thanks
53 sats \ 12 replies \ @ek 3 Jan
It should try to send sats first
Doesn't. He just zapped again and I go cc. Might be time to ban him. He is clearly try to pass off counterfeit sats. Haha
35 sats \ 10 replies \ @ek 3 Jan
Maybe he needs to kick his hub. I'll zap this reply 100 sats from my wallet. Let me know if you received 70.
edit: mhh, looks like you received CCs and you should see this error in your logs:
invalid invoice: Estimated fees are too high (22492 > 3000)
Sending you 70 sats costs 22 sats in routing fees which is too high.
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 3 Jan
I think he's using coinos. Our direct channel to them is all inbound I'd guess.
Was working with no issue earlier today and I had my SN wallet balance at 0. I can set up a different wallet if necessary but will have to be later today because I need to help my dad shovel his driveway, we got a ton of snow here. I will figure it out tonight.
I received 70 sats 3 minutes ago.
Anything I can do about this routing fee issue?
40 sats \ 6 replies \ @ek 3 Jan
Can you show the notification? Someone else also just zapped. I think you received CCs from me.
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 3 Jan
I did not zap it