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Well there is travel. I am envious of my single friends who can take on overseas trips for work or for leisure at the drop of a hat. I think it depends on how intentional the individual is about crafting his life
Again, I am the kind who needs to satisfy my wanderlust. And travelling with my kids is just different haha
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travel is a big one yeah, i traveled a ton in my 20s in my single days, or holidays with GFs etc, trips with the boys, great stuff. I do envey those that can hop on on a trip, then again, most of my friends are also chained down lol
but as you say, with kids, for me, travel is just not enjoyable and just stressful, constantly on alert and my wife is a nightmare over-packer. so for me, i prefer little domestic holidays, driving to different cities.
meanwhile, my cousin and her husband travel all the time with their kids, she had a 3-month-old newborn and they were off traveling somewhere. which, personally to me, is my idea of actual hell (and not very responsible IMO), but there you go :)