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vox pops in times square probably isn't a good representation of humanity :-)
Ironically, all those people in the top video would have made an applepay tx via their credit card without even thinking about it, how it works, how fiat currency works, or how the internet works. They might not know the months of the year, or how to divide 33 by 3, but they know the action that pays money and allows them to receive goods or services. Humanity would have died out a long time ago if the general population was too stupid to use money.
The issue is User Experience.
No, the issue is people's stupidity. All those will use a custodial service or Strike shit.
My brother in the force, I agree with you, and understand the hate of stupidity. I despise ignorance and wish for wisdom for others.
But we must not let cynicism get in the way of Adoption. You are doing great work Darth. Illegitimi non carborundum. Plures muscæ melle capiuntur.