pull down to refresh

Nice post. Now you just need yourself a gun.
You should be able to set up your attached wallet on mobile as well.
I figure I could, just didn't have more effort/patience in me.
Growing pains, like all the dudes say in the comments. One step at a time
Enable device sync in your settings as mentioned in the banner when you configure a wallet
Gonna pretend I understand any of those words.
@remindme in 2 days
ok, I did this and the computer said yes.
Doesn't allow me to zap from the phone regardless. What else am I supposed to do? tagging @siggy47 and @grayruby etc, since I imagine ek is busy with more pressing matters than lowly little me
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 2 Jan
Did you enter the passphrase on on your mobile in the same screen?
Okay, so you
  1. activated sync devices in settings on the device you can currently send and receive on with an attached wallet, then...
  2. Copied the seed phrase, then
  3. Activated device settings on the second device, and pasted the seed phrase, and the seed phrase was accepted?
yes. The second device says "Device sync is enabled" and data sharing between etc.
But when I zap from the second device, it gives me a lightning invoice to pay instead of drawing from wallet
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 2 Jan
Technical wizards like me often employ a sophisticated technique known as "turn it off, then turn it back on again" to solve problems. Has this already been attempted?
20 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 2 Jan
Can you see the wallet attached for sending on mobile?
Exactly. Easy peasy
We're back to here, less than one-and-a-half months later.
WTH is this, and how do I sync them back? (Background: desktop version of SN just decided to unconnect the NWC, and reconnecting it -- using exactly the same as used in phone, which works -- says "secret required")
20 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 12 Feb
Has this been resolved or do you still need help?
worked out. Sorry!
I legit have zero patience with this... the same limitless anger at the world I feel when a car doesn't do what it's supposed to or there's an incomprehensible flash on the dashboard. STOP IT, GODDAMNIT!
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 12 Feb
I guess not haha 😅
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 12 Feb
WTH is this
Did you clear browser storage? This would explain it since it removes the encryption key from your device. If you didn't do that, I don't know how that happened, we would need to reproduce it first.
how do I sync them back?
To sync back, enter the passphrase again or reset in which case you get a new one that you need to enter on all of your devices.
(Background: desktop version of SN just decided to unconnect the NWC, and reconnecting it -- using exactly the same as used in phone, which works -- says "secret required")
With "reconnecting", do you mean you reconnected device sync by entering your passphrase or you tried to save NWC for sending again? "secret required" sounds like you tried to enter NWC credentials again and that the URL did not contain a "&secret=..." part. Are you sure it's there?
But I can see that there's an encrypted NWC wallet on the server for you, so you shouldn't need to enter NWC credentials again, only enter your passphrase in the screenshot you've shown me so your device can decrypt the wallet.