I believe toxic maximalism has been discussed before a number of times.
It's not so much about maximalism (maximalism is good! :) ), as it is about toxicity.
Bitcoiners pride themselves on having a low time preference. But when your purchasing power experiences an 85% drawdown, it can and does hurt, especially if you're a first-cycler. Toxicity can be a way to abreact that; it can bring an immediate relief and give you instant gratification while the 'cucked, retarded, fiat-brained market' underappreciates your sound money. I'm guilty of it myself.
Someone has also mentioned frustration when unsuccessfully trying to orange pill friends. I think that frustration is also a manifestation of a high time preference and impatience. If Bitcoin is good, it will be adopted in its own time. You don't want Bitcoin's success to rely on toxic maxis insulting and ridiculing nocoiners into stacking.
If you feel like being toxic, maybe there are better ways to deal with the emotions.
That said, a bit of meme posting in the right corners of the internet can probably be healthy. I think it's more about what you feel inside when you do it than the content itself.