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You probably have gone for interviews before. You would also probably have heard of the conventional logic in regard to a popular interview question ”What are your weaknesses?” The ‘right’ way to answer it is not to deny that you don’t have flaws (because no one’s perfect) but to acknowledge 1-2 of your shortcomings and convince the interviewers how you are working on reducing the perceived inefficiencies they bring to your working life.
But what if we frame our weaknesses not as something embarrassing that we should mitigate, but as a starting point to conjure something unique and beautiful?
Previously, I wrote about attending a kintsugi workshop. For the uninitiated, kintsugi refers to the art of applying lacquer and gold paint on broken pottery pieces, accentuating the cracks and not throwing them away. The embellished pottery then becomes eye-catching, eliciting ‘Wow’ reactions and perhaps attracting more eyeballs than if it were unspoilt.
In nature, when irritants such as sand enter an oyster, it responds by secreting layers of a nacre (also known as mother-of-pearl) around the sand. No doubt, it takes years of consistency for the oyster to combat the irritants but it prevails in the end. We all know how it produces precious pearls, those shiny things that many normies fall hard for.
The irritant’s like an itch on our body - we desperately scratch it to make it go away. But nature has imbued the oyster with a way to embed the irritant and churn out attractive pearls.
In short, as kintsugi and pearls have shown, our flaws are not something that should evoke an immediate negative response. If we are willing to capitalise on our flaws, we may become more interesting and outstanding individuals than if we were to disregard them.
Have you ever experienced having your life enriched in spite of precisely because of your flaws?
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I don’t feel like I’ve ever succeeded with any of the strategies for answering those interview questions.
You mentioned how you have put in more effort into honing your cognitive views than those normies xP
"I'm smarter than all of you. Give me money."
I never tried that one.
One day I want to try, "Regarding this job, I have no weaknesses. As to personal weaknesses, that's none of your business."
Thankfully in academia, "What are your weaknesses" never comes up. Probably because your weaknesses are plain to see in your papers and presentations
That's a good point. Our weaknesses tend to be heavily discussed during our presentations.
The good old "not really a question, more like a comment...", proceeds to explain why you are an idiot, without giving you the right to respond :)
This is not a "flaw" of mine personally, but I think often about how what is a flaw from one person's perspective is a benefit from another's. One place I frequently see this pop up is language barriers for people in relationships whether romantic or professional. It would be easy to assume that if you have a poor grasp of a language, it would be a detriment, but many people who have done the hard work required to form a relationship with somebody where there is a language barrier will tell you, in fact, that the barrier is a blessing of sorts. Without the normal nuance of connotation, word choice, and assumptions, you instead are forced to discuss things very explicitly and clearly, much more so than you would in normal conversations. This strengthen's your relationship and understanding with that person. Topics which may be normally difficult to discuss or ask about explicitly become easy to do so because it's understood that you are asking because you legitimately do not know the answer due to the person's other culture or upbringing.
This is such a great answer and it resonates a lot with me because I am in an international marriage and am raising bicultural kids. Thank you for taking the time to flesh out your response!
Having a life enriched by your flaws - is really just acknowledgment of your life...
If you go through life believing you are flawed then we need to talk....
If you go through life thinking you have no flaws - you need to talk to yourself :)
Yet, as an article once posted by @south_korea_ln in his ~Science territory pointed out, some people don’t have an inner voice. I’m not sure how that plays out because I talk to myself a lot haha
#631636 for "no inner images". Need to look for the other one, but not now, took me 30 minutes to finish this message with son calling for attention :)
Sorry, it wasn’t you; it was @ch0k1
Could it be this article? #816511
Thank you for advancing our understanding of human nature xP
That is an extremely interesting article for sure...I can't imagine not imagining talking to myself :)
I wonder if some other part of the brain is activated or if they simply talk out loud and "role play" responses to themselves?
So many questions....thanks for another Rabbit Hole of learning courtesy of all of you and Bitcoin!!! I love you (and sometimes hate you) all!
Thank you for the shout-out 🫶
I'm trying my best to post high value content and appreciations like this motivate me even more
Thank you for what you do xP
I've been unsuccessful by answering, "My weakness is being a loser in business and having to work for some asshole."
So far it hasn't earned me much clout in interviews.
Your balls are bigger than mine
I'm just a guy who knows that is good to make a rapport with your future boss who might be in the trenches with you.
It's really helpful