In my experience saying anything like that or what I've seen in the other comments just makes you sound like a crazy conspiracy spreader anti-statist contrarian.
Not saying any of what was said here isn't the truth, it is. It's just not going to convince normies.
One thing I've used that works quite well is the 21 million argument. It's something most people don't know about bitcoin already and it always lights up a little bulb inside their head.
I can't believe so many people don't know about this. Isn't this like the first thing people learn about bitcoin?
I'd argue that for about 80% of the people the only thing they associate with Bitocin is it's price performance
It's one the first things people who are honestly learning about bitcoin learn about.
But most people just "hear" about bitcoin from the news or through friends and never actually learn anything about it.
True NPCs some people are, lol