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I convinced my friends not to just see BTC as an investment to exchange for Fiat and try to create a small ecosystem to pay in sats at least? We together convinced one restaurant owner to accept it in BTC, but he got too much demotivated by his jerk family members who brainwashed him that BTC is associated with malicious things, so he rejected it, and I'm probably sure he'll never look back again. He was so scared that he requested us to take sats back and instead give it in fiat. I'm trying hard to convince my colleagues, but no one is showing real interest. Looks like I didn't do much for Bitcoin, but it was much when I see no one is even interested 1%. Convincing friends was a great task and now they are convincing their friends and family members, so at least it has started as a small spark. Maybe years later it will turn out as a big fire? I've got lots of plans for 2025, like planning a huge meetup, but the problem is why would anyone show up when they wouldn't get anything? So, I'm making plans for the meetup on what should I do so people will come. Even if meetup convinced atleast 20% of people who joined I would say I did something real for Bitcoin.
@remindme in 1 year