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One word... Stigma. From the outside looking in, Bitcoin does not look good. We come of as a bunch of assholes who think they know everything.
When I tell people my plans for the future, they get all wide eyed and I can see them mezmorized. Then I say the "B" word and they shut down and glaze over.
Bitcoin does not look good to normies. Between "crypto", lambos, main stream media, "smart" tech nerds, and self proclaimed toxic maximalists, Bitcoin is super uninviting and completely off putting.
Other than staying humble, How do we make Bitcoin more inviting to average people?
I don't know that it's worth the effort. It's not really about how bitcoiners are (not that you're completely wrong). It's about how we're portrayed.
Normies will always default to believing what they're told by "the experts" and "the experts" have their own reasons for portraying us poorly.
My preferred approach is to let people discover bitcoin on their own time and then welcome them with open arms. I suspect that will be when it solves some particular problem for them. As bitcoin improves, it will appeal to more people.
I agree. It will happen on its own. It's difficult because my vision includes outsiders and so it is worth it to me to help them open up. I often hit a wall when I say Bitcoin.
Save "bitcoin" for as late in the conversation as possible then.
12 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 12 Dec 2024
I guess it's hard if you're mining bitcoin in a desert
Yeah. It tends to come up pretty quickly. My bigger vision has to do with making a difference in the small towns nearby and bringing more people into our space for healing retreats. #687032
Yeah. I totally do. It's funny to watch.
We don't. Fuck them.
Fuck who? Everyone who doesn't get it yet? I am glad the people who helped guide me had more compassion. It took me a while to get it..I was super stubborn and stupid. I think the "fuck them" attitude is part of the problem. You do you. But we all had to figure it out at some point. We were all no coiners before. I'll keep trying to help new people understand. Stay humble @Fabs
I've become too bitter from all the pointless discussions in recent years, if someone actively reaches out to me, I'll give them a helping hand, but otherwise: Fuck them.
They'll either get it on their own or be forced into it once Bitcoin's too big to go unnoticed, I'll wait and see.
It is quite frustrating. I am much better now about saving real conversations for people who may be able to see outside of their little box. Often it is best to just be quite about it.
Leaning into my natural "asshole".
Don't give a shit(!), really. These schmucks will be dragged into the future kicking and screaming. No need to pander to them or sugarcoat anything
I agree, I will never pander and sugarcoat. I will attempt to find the right words to guide people to a new perspective. I like helping people..I was an ignorant "schmuck"at one time. Were you ever ignorant to Bitcoin or did you get it day one? Remember to stay humble.
Oh, a lot and for a long time.
But not because people didn't use the right words or didnt try eagerly to help me grasp something. I just wasn't ready, cognitively or intellectually. Things in the world had to happen to short my perspective
I agree. We have to be ready. I'm still going to try with those who feel ready. I had guides along the way.
From a new person's perspective, all I knew was what I heard. It was a ponzie scheme, scam, etc etc. The problem is the misinformation thats spewed everywhere. In order to get into bitcoin, you have to be willing to admit that you were lied to, and that you were wrong. Not everyone is willing to do that.
You are right. It is really hard for people to accept the fact that they have been gaslit their whole life. Bitcoin challenges everything that most people take for granted. It's a real challenge. Programming is deep.
I've been wrong about so much shit that it barely even phases me anymore. I just learn something new and add the old information to the ever growing pile of shit that I was wrong about.
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “ – Mark Twain
The reason I use Bitcoin (that is how I usually start), among others, is you have to work twice for your money, first you work for it and second you invest it so that it doesn't lose too much value. With Bitcoin I can actually save that money and I only have to work for it once and you have a very high probability it will go up in the future.
9 times out of time they're investing their money in crypto, stocks, savings account, pension fund.
I also mention that most assets are digital and are not yours. They're centralized and can be frozen/seized at any time. With Bitcoin you can be 100% owner with nobody able to take it from you, if you secure it well.
I think speaking from your own experience is always best, I like the "the reason is use Bitcoin..." approach. This makes sense. People don't like to be told things but if we speak for ourselves, they may ask questions. Great comment. Thanks.
Many people have closed their eyes or covered them in the face of Bitcoin knowing that it is one of the assets that is making the grade, news at this moment I understand you many times I have tried to talk about Bitcoin with other people and I have kept it to myself or preferred to remain silent because I know that they will not understand the subject not because they cannot but because they do not want to.
Yeah. We tend to believe what we want to believe. It ain't easy to change people's deep programming.
The problem is the mentally handicapped in the mainstream media. One agency writes something and everyone copies the nonsense (energy, ponzi,.. bla bla). But there is improvement in sight. Unfortunately, people who are now better informed about alternatives end up with the crypto bros. That's why it's important that experienced bitcoiners oppose this and are represented in the comment columns.
Everyone will get there eventually I think. Bitcoin is inevitably a world wide money for everyone. It will take time for many people to get it though.
I think Bitrefill and The Bitcoin Company have been doing a great job by making available gift cards and giving their customers some sats for their purchases. If more people see that using BTC to settle their real life needs is preferable to dirty fiat, they may be inclined to try out Lightning as a mode of payment
This helps for sure. Strike seems to be doing a lot for this transition as well.
Classic frame control. Governments and media have been trying to kill it since the beginning. People will get at the price they deserve which is whatever it is after they've seen through their lies.
This is true. And it will take time for most to catch on. It's inevitable. I am just grateful to be here now on the wild western front.
How do we make Bitcoin more inviting to average people?
We don't. Stop trying. Care less.
Everyone studies bitcoin when they have a need for bitcoin. Everyone buys in at the price they deserve.
If you want to orange pill people, focus on the problem of infinite money printing and monetary inflation. Do it without even mentioning bitcoin. The solution will become more obvious as time goes on.
I agree that people need to know there is a problem before they will seek a solution. I have been working on an old friend for 6 years. But he is comfortable In his fiat life so it doesn't stick. He thinks the dollar will be good for his lifetime at least. Not sure how he ignores the fact that food cost 2x what it did 3 years ago.
The "crypto" association is a huge problem. Degens really spoiled that word and made it really easy for the media to criticize. Saifedean Ammous basically argues that people will get smart by force, and not by choice, a view I tend to agree with. I haven't managed to convince the people who trust me most on this world, so I've stopped trying. Every so often I'll playfully ask business owners if they accept lightning payments and they usually look at me like I have three heads. Perhaps, one day they'll remember me though, and wish they'd taken me a bit more seriously.
I know I had to learn the hard way. Deep down I knew Bitcoin was the only way and I still had to degen out for quite a while. I had to learn from my own experience. Sometimes its the only way. Its cool to see people getting it more quickly than I did. It took me a few years of ETHing, trading, EFTing, staking, all of it. We all have to get here our own way.
I think most people surrounding me think it as a investment but actually it new type of money.
Yeah. That's the biggest shift. It's a big hurdle.
How do we make Bitcoin more inviting to average people?
I try to build a natural don't do that curiosity (like they know I have Bitcoins and try to ask sometimes what I'll do with it and plans, etc. I try not to show much interest and sometimes say only smart people can understand how it works. It makes them curious over time and they end up asking lots of questions and will start their journey, and this method always works lol). People try to ask more and more. I found that forcing someone is the worst you can do. I try slow and slow because propaganda from the government has literally brainwashed people into thinking that Bitcoin is some criminal money they use to buy weeds and hire assassins from the Dark Web lol. And 95% of people I know don't use Bitcoin as a MoE nstead, they see it as a long term investment that'll make them rich.
I agree. Slow and subtle. Help them grow their own curiosity. Kind of reverse psychology.
Help them grow their own curiosity. Kind of reverse psychology.