pull down to refresh

best off with at least 2 channels, id try:
blixt wallet 0230a5bca558e6741460c13dd34e636da28e52afd91cf93db87ed1b0392a7466eb@
start9 025d28dc4c4f5ce4194c31c3109129cd741fafc1ff2f6ea53f97de2f58877b2295@
cheers 🤙
This is helpful. I will probably try one of those next. Thank you.
also, of the two if doing just one, id recommend blixt
you can open one with all ur sats, then use boltz to bring half or 3/4 back on chain and open the other. that way you got some inbound liquidity. ideally youd have inbound / outbound in both eventually so you run into less routing issues.