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Money exists with or without the state so I don't think government approval is the key. Think about the prison example. Also, the point isnt how you would define the term. It's how is it defined by the person you speak to or at least making it clear how you define it if that differs from them. Talking past people is an easy mistake to make and key communication flaw.
We can't force definitions on people. We can define what we mean though as I have attempted to do.
Nothing against your article, lots of my own thoughts were written in it.
But saying it's not MoE because it's not widely used is very vague and smells like collectivism to me.
Talking past people is an easy mistake to make and key communication flaw.
we agree
I know what you mean. Some things sound collectivist that are not. I'm referring to the way the term is used but also trying to make the point it happens spontaneously as well. Money, law, and order predate the state and outside of it. MoE is no different.
Can we agree it is a MoE, just not (yet) widely used? :)
I said that in my post...
again, we agree. i'm poking the schools
The schools don’t have all the answers, either. They get their answers from individuals’ reasoning.
Maybe, better to say, it's not a MoE in the collective unconsciousness?
That would be the best way to say it, but this “collective” term is not an optimum way to explain anything that involves true freedom.
Well said. A “collectivist” thought or thought pattern cannot exist in a world of humans because every human is an individual. Bees and ants are a bit different, though. They have a “collective”.
You have a point on talking past people. Most of us here would be using BTC as MoE if they could. The world is just a bit slow on catching up, is all.