tldr: recent covenant consensus buzz shows me there is a lot I still don't get about Bitcoin.
I believe that everyone has a knowledge threshold where they go from being a no-coiner to finally 'getting' bitcoin. I'm getting to the point where the more I learn, the more I am asking myself: was my threshold high enough? Am I just an imposter?
The money aspect of Bitcoin is relatively more intuitive than the technical side, and I think the former is what most people (including myself) bought in on, without much appreciation of the latter. This will probably continue to be the case as the money aspect of it is reasonably compelling. However, as I slip further down the bitcoin rabbit hole, read and hear about consensus disputes on covenants etc., I find more questions than answers.
This leaves me wondering if my empirical understanding of bitcoin as money is enough if I can't appreciate these fancy technical aspects. I feel I can do most of what I need, self-custody, protecting my privacy using coin joins, use lightning somewhat fluently, just short of running my own lightning node because I lack the hardware. This is on my to-do list as well as buying one of those nifty little bitaxes. Can likely learn some in the process.
Can anyone here relate to feeling a bit of imposter syndrome?
Maybe a stacker og can point me to some essential/relatively beginner-level technical reads for the novice bitcoiner.