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Watched this earlier, I hadn’t heard of the bitfinex hack before it.
wow you don't know the Bitcoin history? Here you have more about Bitfinex inside job (wasn't a hack) and other "hacks" in Bitcoin history. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/darth-calling-out-the-scams
I didn’t get into bitcoin until a few years ago and there is a LOT to catch up on. This is a great source, thanks!
I definitely wouldn't put it past bitfinex, they aren't exactly bastions of morality.
Check the QuadrigaCX case too, see the link I posted above, some good investigations in there.
"Biggest Heist Ever" is quite misleading, presenting those patsies as being the real "hackers". They are not, is a bullshit made up story.
Looks like it have something to listen to at work this week. Thanks.