the most negative thing about reddit is that almost all subs are controlled by a small didn't start out that way but it certainly wound up that way.
The problem isn't solvable by just saying "we bitcoiners are better and more thoughtful, won't happen here" because it will happen. There are 2 main reasons why mod control centralizes: (a) Financial (obvious) and (b) Mental Illness (not obvious).....a normal person doesn't have 22 hours per day to micromanage sub content, however the mentally ill do...hence they out-compete the sane for the job[0].
We don’t plan to have mods. Each user will moderate their own view of the sub community using web of trust.
In a reddit sub, there is one feed shared by everyone, a commons. Using web of trust a sub on SN will have a feed tailored to the user, more like a twitter; this functions and scales like private property.
bcashers love to bring up that r/bitcoin mods were censoring them out for promoting a competing contentious fork.
They are wrong about so many things but they were right about this. They were indeed censored.
I wonder what could have happened if there was no central moderation at the time. Maybe bitcoin would have bigger blocks, maybe there would be 5 equally sized forks or maybe bitcoin would be dead.