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Curious about your opinions here, whether people want Stacker News to grow to be like Reddit with separate communities on all kinds of topics, or for it to stay Bitcoin-centric.
Personally, I'd love to see it grow so that people come for all kinds of reasons and have all kinds of experiences, but are all using the Lightning Network (in many cases without even realizing/thinking much about it).
But I could also see people already on here resenting a large influx of non-bitcoiners if the conversations tend to move away from Bitcoin. Like when your favorite band goes mainstream (not that I've ever experienced this, I'm late to every party, but I hear people complaining about this).
Where would you like to see SN go?
We definitely want different communities to be able to use bitcoin and SN eventually. The only thing up for debate imo is how exactly to do it because maybe there’s something better than the sub model.
Subs will only promote circlejerks, bubbles and polarization.
Maybe we can have a fixed set of tags (e.g"bitcoin", "LN", " tech", "economy", "science", " philosophy "), posts can be tagged and users could filter their homepage with multiple tags.
Subs may be created only after depositing a "stake". It will make harder for bad actors to create many subs and simultaneously create incentive for SB for a proper moderation.
love the tags idea!
While you could say a bunch of negative things about sub-communities, they seem to form stronger/tighter communities than tags. I don't know of a community platform that has scaled to large size with tags alone.
the most negative thing about reddit is that almost all subs are controlled by a small clique....it didn't start out that way but it certainly wound up that way.
The problem isn't solvable by just saying "we bitcoiners are better and more thoughtful, won't happen here" because it will happen. There are 2 main reasons why mod control centralizes: (a) Financial (obvious) and (b) Mental Illness (not obvious).....a normal person doesn't have 22 hours per day to micromanage sub content, however the mentally ill do...hence they out-compete the sane for the job[0].
We don’t plan to have mods. Each user will moderate their own view of the sub community using web of trust.
In a reddit sub, there is one feed shared by everyone, a commons. Using web of trust a sub on SN will have a feed tailored to the user, more like a twitter; this functions and scales like private property.
bcashers love to bring up that r/bitcoin mods were censoring them out for promoting a competing contentious fork.
They are wrong about so many things but they were right about this. They were indeed censored.
I wonder what could have happened if there was no central moderation at the time. Maybe bitcoin would have bigger blocks, maybe there would be 5 equally sized forks or maybe bitcoin would be dead.
AFAICT while tags are a feature of twitter, twitter's communities don't form around tags. They're a discovery mechanism for communities, like retweets, but it's really the follow "graph" connectedness that defines communities.
Day 1 on twitter as a user, it's very hard to find communities. Day 1 on a site like reddit, I can discover all their best bitcoin content.
I still don't know the main vision you have for SN.
When I found out about SN I took it as a bitcoin focused HN powered by lightning.
Reddit is a general purpose discussion platform. Do you intend for SN to be general purpose? Or should it stay focused on HN type things like tech and science?
If general purpose, I prefer reddit style to twitter.
If non-general purpose, HN with tags would work since the topics are already constrained and there is just 1 single (diverse community).
Of course the latter does not scale to 8 billion people. The question is, how much scaling up do you desire?
Thanks for the reply, looking forward!
I think a first step is to have by language. I see now many russian, portuguese, spanish people trying to post here. For me personally doesn't bother me to read in those languages, but also are many others that are afraid to post something because they do not speak english.
A section for each language I think will expand more quickly SN.
Good idea!
Or everything could get auto translated on-the-fly like in twitter so that discussions are less segregated.
I like the HackerNews or Reddit direction more than the the Twitteresq direction.
The thing is, everything from (hash-)tags to subs is a spectrum. Mechanisms can separate or connect the communities as much as one wants.
I agree.
The thing is if SN opts to be in the middle of that spectrum it can end up being a poorer version of both reddit and twitter, failing due to its own indecision.
I'd love for it to replace Twitter for my usage w.r.t networking and staying up to speed with news. I don't mean become an exact Twitter close, but borrowing some of that model like e.g having posts/comments appear on your profile page in a historically ordered manner (maybe you pay sats to have them appear there so it's not everything - and also forces you to curate)
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 9 Oct 2022
borrowing some of that model like e.g having posts/comments appear on your profile page in a historically ordered manner
you mean on a new home page? You already can see the posts/comments of any profile in a historically ordered manner.
Oh interesting! I never saw those tabs. So yeah - making that a bit more integrated/first-class I'd like
~jobs is the first sub.
See this:
Ask SN: What sub-topics would you want to see on SN? #18938

I believe the plan is that a ~memes sub will be the next one then a ~merch sub:
That should probably be the sub after the meme sub if I don't create a merch sub.

Meme sub #34111
And there's been interest in a marketplace sub like classifieds in Craiglist:
I don't know if there is an ETA for these nor what priority they have.
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 9 Oct 2022
~tasks would also be nice. For small one-time jobs
There is always Microlancer:
Microlancer.io - KYC-free Bitcoin Lightning freelance website for jobs, gigs and microtasks #7187 https://microlancer.io
And see also:
The Future of Freelancing: Lightning-Based Microlancer is Growing | BitcoinNews.com #13023 https://bitcoinnews.com/news/the-future-of-freelancing-lightning-based-microlancer-is-growing
(37 Million Satoshis Earned On Lightning Freelance Platform Microlancer* #32542 https://bitcoinnews.com/37-million-satoshis-earned-on-lightning-freelance-platform-microlancer
Yes, you can find a Virtual Assistant to work a period of time as short as just one hour, ... on @microlancer #13944
Thanks for the links! I knew I'd seen talk of this elsewhere but couldn't remember what/where it was
Unleash the beast. Sports entertainment porn let it ride.Bitcoin is for friends enemies and yes even shitcoiners. At the end of the day no matter what is discussed on here Sats are the standard and will be needed to fuel any content born on SN
I tend to agree
Tags instead of subs.
I would like to see SN crush Reddit by absorbing its entire userbase,. Because, why not.
I'm here for bitcoin. I don't really feel like talking to or listening to non-bitcoiners' lame takes.
bitcoiners can be in other communities too.
I would like anyone to be able to start a sub for their own community, ideally on a server they host themselves, e.g. ~4chan or 4chan.stacker.news 😅