Watch the bar scene from the movie, A Beautiful Mind.
In the scene, a beautiful blonde walks into a bar with four of her less attractive friends. Four male grad students begin competing with each other for the blonde's attention. They justify the virtue of competition with Adam Smith's words, "Individual ambition serves the greater good."
This causes Nash to have a revelation. "Adam Smith needs a revision," he says, explaining:
- If we all go for the blonde, we block each other. She won't choose any of us. If we then go for her friends, we'll likewise get rejected because no one wants to be second choice.
- But if no one goes for the blonde, we don't get in each others' way and we don't insult the other girls. That's the only way we win. The only way we all get laid.
First person who can correctly explain why this movie version of John Nash was actually wrong, gets 1,430 sats.
I think out of fairness, I would ask @Undisciplined and @denlillaapan to refrain from answering unless no one has gotten it in a few hours, since both appear to have formal training in economics :)
1,430 sats paid 3 times
C_3^4 + C_2^4 + C_1^4 + 1
Nash equilibria!C_3^4
. Three of the guys go for the blonde's friends, one guy goes for the blonde.C_2^4
. Two of the guys go for the blonde's friends. Two of the guys randomize over the blonde.C_1^4
. One of the guys goes for the blonde's friends. Three of the guys randomize over the blonde.1
. All of the guys randomize over the blonde.