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I was just at a large dinner and met a young couple, the wife was around 22, and their first baby was about a year old.
I heard the story of how she met her husband, and interestingly enough it was mostly arranged or at least promoted by her mom.
The young lady was completely averse to the dating world, as experienced by her older sisters with the apps, and consulted with her mom. Her mom apparently actively spread the word in her network.
End result - a young man was found of the same religion (all the families involved are quite religious). And I'll bet they're on their way to a large family.
Anyway, it was nice to see. It's so NOT what you see in the world much of the time, now.
I guess that family did not fell asleep at the wheel. It is an exception now, but we need this kind of familial involvement. Now more than ever I think it should be a priority for parents to prepare their kids for the most important decision they will make, to start or not a family and not what career to pursue.