Who or what created God? That’s a tricky one and it gets to the heart of some big ideas. Many people believe that God is the start of everything. Like imagine a domino effect,God is the first domino. In this view God didn't need to be created because he always was.Think about it like this If everything has to have a cause, we keep asking What caused that? and then What caused that? on and on. But at some point, we have to stop somewhere, or we'll keep asking forever. So, many believe that stopping at God makes sense because He is the ultimate starting point.
Some smart thinkers from long ago said God is a “necessary being.” That means God’s existence isn’t dependent on anything else. He just exists by His own nature, unlike us and everything around us, which needs something else to make it.
Now, it’s also worth thinking about how our brains work. We humans like to think everything has to have a beginning and an end. It’s hard for us to imagine something that always was and always will be. Some people think that our minds just can’t grasp the idea of infinity, and that's okay.
When we ask, "Who created God?" it might be more about our own limits in thinking than about God. It’s like trying to use a ruler to measure the wind, not everything can be understood with the tools we have.
questioning the nature of God can be a beautiful part of our search for meaning. We might not get all the answers, but the journey of thinking deeply about such questions can be just as important as the answers we seek. It invites us to stay curious and open-minded.