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I agree. I usually am careful which words I use. But I sometimes feel myself slipping. I will pop into something political or likewise and drop a hot take when deep down I know it probably isn't going to be helpful. Leading by example is the way for sure. That's harder on an online platform. No one on here really knows how I live or how I show up. I am learning though. Thanks for sharing.
Political topics are quite divisive isn't it? Sometimes I see people pro-Ukraine or pro-Russia on Stacker News also, I just keep being pro-peace and that's it. And if people want to kill Russian, I am still ok with that. I would just advocate then to kill less, and if it works, then less minus one, until zero hahaha.
Totally. I pretty much have no idea what is going on with any of that. I don't pay NY attention. I believe in peace as well. And I don't think any of us really know what's going on so we are all arguing based on our own unique perception of it. It's all designed to divide us. So I am usually just pointing out that it isn't worth the attention. Focus on what is right in front of us and see where we can make a difference in our own communities. Keeping the faith for a new different world is challenging.