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News Of The Week

Welcome to the Books And Articles newsletter. Thanks for all of the quality posts.
Sorry about the delay in getting out the newsletter. Vacation and the time zone changes set me back. There were a bunch of great posts while I was gone. This week the top two posts of the past fourteen days will share all of the sats.
This newsletter is getting a little long. I think it’s time for some consolidating. I would like to start by organizing the book reviews into their own posts by topic, author, etc. If anyone wishes to volunteer to organize a category or two, I’ll zap your post a few sats and it will earn a permanent place in the newsletter. Now that my daughter @moonbeetle has joined SN, maybe she’ll help out her dear old dad.
Happy reading!
As always, please reply with suggestions and opinions on how to make this territory better.
Logo design by @plebpoet Link to last week’s newsletter: #750790

Top Ten Posts Of The Past Two Weeks

Here they are:

Siggy’s Suggestions

None this week because there are ten top posts.

Writing Contests

Stackers’ Blogs

My Bitcoin Journey

Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.

Book Clubs


Book Reviews

Bitcoin Academic Articles & Reviews

Movie & Television Reviews



Short Stories


This territory is taking on a life of its own!
Indeed. And the recaps are nice. It's a great encouragement for stackers to keep writing and posting to this territory.
Yes I enjoy this newsletter it adds to the community feel
WOW! I am HONORED to earn half of all the sats for this newsletter post! Talk about an incentive!
But more importantly, who got Lyn Alden to give them an advanced reader copy??
Issue 40 LET'S GO!! no wonder it's getting long!
Hi, this is my first time in this section, and I’m really happy to have the chance to read here because I think reading can help me learn English. <3
update since I made my post - still not rich 😶
The day is young.
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I know. I'm afraid I missed a few items for the index. Possibly book reviews.
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I wrote a tv show review for The Penguin but decided it belonged in ~movies
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