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News Of The Week

Welcome to the Books And Articles newsletter. Thanks for all of the quality posts.
We had another good week in the territory. @SimpleStacker gave us another article on bitcoin economics, which once again took top honors. Please give it a read. It’s worth your time. For some reason we had a lot of good submissions this week that didn’t attract many sats or garner much engagement, so I have highlighted a few below as suggestions. I don’t know why. Maybe the recent bull run caused stackers to hold onto their sats more tightly.
I want to mention that there will likely not be a newsletter for the next two weeks due to personal commitments. I will post a double issue sometime during the week of November 18.
Happy reading!
As always, please reply with suggestions and opinions on how to make this territory better.
Logo design by @plebpoet Link to last week’s newsletter: #740983

Top Five Posts Of The Week

Here are this week’s top posts:

Siggy’s Suggestions

If you have been on Stacker News for a while you likely know @carlosfandango for his haikus in the saloon as well as his book reviews. He’s a talented writer, and this week he gave us a prose piece titled “Running.” I recommend you give it a read. I really enjoyed it, and I hope we see more of this quality, original writing from him and others in the territory.
This poem got little attention. I suspect it is because few people on this site can speak Italian. @Mishkin asked in a prior post whether this was the place to post Italian poetry, and I said yes. Unfortunately it got little attention or engagement. If there are any stackers who can read Italian, please give it a read and let us know your thoughts. I struggled through it with an online translator and liked it, but I’m sure it lost its impact through bad translation.
This post got little attention, perhaps because the title may have seemed a little click baity to some. @21futures publishes bitcoin and other books, and we are lucky to have them here on Stacker News. I’m not sure if the free download is still available, but check out all of their offerings through the link.

Writing Contests

Stackers’ Blogs

My Bitcoin Journey

Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.

Book Clubs


Book Reviews

Bitcoin Academic Articles & Reviews

Movie & Television Reviews



Short Stories


@SimpleStacker and @denlillaapan have come up with a lot of good posts. There's s lot to learn from those guys. I just gave the post a read and it's worth reading every single line. Thanks for the newsletter
@cryotosensei's reviews are always one of my favourite reads. I don't know how I missed them this time. Thanks for the newsletter. Gonna read them now.
Ha! I didn’t know @DarthCoin also found IT Crowd super funny! Makes sense.
Yes @21futures book is still free! It’s very good! Just released!
Thanks for the mention!
I am an IT guy, what did you expect?
This is literally me 25 years ago
We’re going to defuse the bomb. What operating system is it? Windows Vista WE’RE GOING TO DIE!
Can confirm that the book is still free at Amazon.
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