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Assume you have the following two options:
  1. You can travel in time freely (past and future) but your point in space stays fixed.
  2. You can travel in space freely (teleportation at will) but time passes for you like for everyone else.
Let’s assume for the sake of the argument that the power is safe to use. You don’t die just because you traveled into a moment in time where your current location would kill you, it would warn you about that first.
If your decision includes any other assumptions, just mention them.
Time. I want to go back to time zero to see how all of this developed.
I could see and do everything I have ever wanted to do in a lifetime if I could just teleport places.
Traveling through time but constrained to a single location doesn't do me much good aside from knowing the past or future of that particular spot.
I'm leaning towards 2. Being fixed in one location might be cool for a while, but being able to go anywhere would be more interesting IMO
I kind of see the two as connected. Like we can move around on a fabric made of space and time. And we all do it all the time. And it's not a time line but more about the speed of time. Time is a spiral up or down. Idk. Does that make any sense at all? Great question by the way.
The space and time is literally this moebius band
yes make sense
there is not such thing as time, only an expanding or contracting awareness of what has already happened (the cause) and anticipation of what might happen (the effect). that awareness can be conscious or unconscious. time the indoctrinated concept is an astronomy-based construct, e.g. the clock is based on the moon, sun, and earth flying thru space - and society uses that to come up with a 9-5pm job!
space... what space are we talking about?
i would rather have the ability to be as dense or rare as i wish, in order to walk thru things or dissolve in substances such as air or liquid.
I want what this guy is smoking
=) regardless of what and how much entheogenic compounds are available and consumed, the mind still has to do the hard work of reason! nonetheless, it's more fun to think while the mind is disinhibited, otherwise there is a lot of noise and the right(eous) path is not as clear.
So you are smoking something 😂
It’s have to be space for me. Just from a relationship standpoint, I’d love to meet people all over the globe. While I’d also love to meet people from different eras, I don’t think I’d realistically be able to relate to them on a level that I’d be able to have friendships beyond the most surface level.
That being said, I could be totally wrong. I haven’t met somebody from the ancient world or the distant future yet.
Well if I can travel in time, then I can travel to the far future where they have FTL transportation through space :-)
Travel in space like that would violate the first law of thermodynamics. You could generate energy by teleporting your mass to higher ground, producing a perpetual motion machine. The universe could spontanously combust!
Time travel is too tricky to fully understand, so without further assumptions or stipulations I'd say space.
But if I could somehow hold time still for everyone except me, (and maybe a 2 meter bubble around me, while also not getting older), then I'd want to be able to do that. That would let me learn unlimited things without time passing in the real world.
I will choose 2. In space. Is better and more interesting. Also an opportunity to go far far far away from this crap world. Travelling in space also imply a travel in time. Because if you decide to come back in the original place, you will find out that your body is only few years older, but on the original planet were passing hundreds of years.
If you choose 1 - in time, you will create a butterfly effect and your life will be a nightmare. Why? Because human nature to change things in the past, thinking that will make a better future. Wrong. Changing the past will create an enormous wave of changes, not only on your life but others too. And that will affect in unimaginable ways your future.
In conclusion, if you have such powers, try to travel ONLY into the future, not going back into your past.
I would rather travel through time space seems to crazy like going into the ocean
While both would be best (who doesn't want a TARDIS?), space is one I think I'd prefer. Each time has advantages and disadvantages, but I suspect we often forget the latter when thinking about time periods (beyond obvious times like the Black Plague).
Plus, I hate traffic.
Definitely time.
Haven't seen the comments yet
Time travel would make you insanely wealthy, while enabling you to unravel historical myths and mysteries.
Go to Jerusalem and wind back the clock
Go to where Plato discovered Atlantis
Go to Stonehenge and whatnot
Ha! Could even go into the future and see if freedom tech wins........but I guy that would spoil the surprise.
Time travel by far outweighs the travel in space. I'm a little more on this. I see time travel is actually happening. Now a days we have videos and sounds from the past and we have created a lot of such things out of our imagination for future as well.
Don't think that a day will come when we'll be physically travelling into time.
Time, so I can change certain parts of the past
I wish to open my 3rd eye and travel through meditation
This is tricky, but l would have to say space. Imagine not having to drive to work, just being able to move through space. Or to travel. All of that wasted time could be spent doing things you want to do in life.
I would like to travel in time, I would love to see what the year 3000 looks like!!!
I have to go with 2 because being immortal would essentially be super lonely and depressing after a while
You don’t have to assume you will be immortal
I'll choose time travel. I'm going to the future until the sun explodes or civilization wipes itself out, then I'll come back and tell you what happened
Time travel sounds pretty cool since there is so much history in the past that one could experience but this would also include time travel into the future so it’s even cooler.
But teleportation seems more useful for normal life. No need to pay and wait for transportation to anywhere 🤔
this assumes that as long as earth exists, my location in space stays relative to earth during time travel
You can travel in time freely (past and future) but your point in space stays fixed.
easy choice
Our planet and solar system are travelling through space. So if your point in space stays fixed you will quickly run out of air.
If you meant I will be locked up in some jail forever, depends on available resources. With food delivery and full dive VR I could live quite happily I think. Seeing and interacting with other places remotely via robots. That way it is even safer.
I didn‘t mean too much, the rules were kept open on purpose for you to be creative and come up with your own rules.
In my head, time travel would keep you fixed in space relative to earth.
Sure, I got you. We still need to define what "me" is. Because in the future I can imagine technology for consciousness to travel away from the body. I definitely am more excited to see more along the time axis.
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btw, if anyone isn't aware, there's a movie about the second option: