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The good thing about this platform is that every time we want to share we have to pay, so we are practicing V4V with SN, it deserves it. Also Bitcoin is money, so it should be used, but well used, so if I use it to exchange it for good quality knowledge, it is well used. Note that I use the term "use" and not "spend", Bitcoin is to use it, not to spend it just like that.
Now, our minds still contaminated by fiat, every time we use Bitcoin, we are thinking about spending fiat. For me having a SAT means work, where I live I only get SAT through SN and every now and then I buy something on P2P, but it is difficult, I am not complaining, just that for me 1 SAT cannot have the same value as 100 SATs because getting that SAT for me is a lot of PoW.
Commenting or Posting are both valid, otherwise you could only do one or the other. But let's remember, when we publish we are supporting the platform more.