If you aren't a fan of Bitcoin then just... don't use it. As a matter of fact, I am extremely open to criticism, especially about Bitcoin as it's not perfect. It's an imperfect solution for an imperfect world.
But the fact that you're here, posting up sats, on a website designed around Bitcoin, as people send and receive sats to each other... says a lot sorry.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @AJ1992 6h
I've been here since the early days three or so years ago. Check my profile. I actually am a fan of Bitcoin, I just want it to be better in all forms and I just see it without blinders on, here in reality. And in reality there is almost no chance of it becoming universally adopted by a large majority of the world for every day transactional use to pay for goods and services. It's the truth.
I think saying there's 'no way' something can happen... means it's impossible. Nothing is impossible. Unlikely sure, but not impossible otherwise a possibility is 0%
I think there are some misnomers here, and they're worth pointing out even if some disagree with me.
For example, you said 'large majority of the world'. And I would agree. The vast majority of the world's wealth is in Western countries, plus Japan and a little BRICs.
But mostly Western countries.
I also think that Bitcoin being a bank account for everyone, from billionaire to peasant is unrealistic. The target audience or market, if you will, is people with at least 500$ in a bank account. Which rules out the vast majority of India and even parts of South America for example.
Add to this people who, for whatever reason, don't use smartphones and electronics or digital banking, and that number is even smaller.
Ultimately Bitcoin is targeting people with at least 500$ of assets to save, can use a basic smartphone, and have access to basic infrastructure (power, electricity, civil infrastructure etc). I think that is much more realistic.
However it's still a MASSIVE number of people. Even if it's only 2-5% of the World's population routinely using it, it's a very significant percentage of people where the resources are - the 'West'. Which means a lot of value transfer it's really important.
As far as the majority of transactions... it doesn't have to be. But let's say it's 5%. or 10% or even 20% any of these numbers are absolutely massive. And why not? Lightning is very, very quick and with low fees. Add to this the inevitable abstractions, including custodians, ETFs, shared funds in businesses and family offices, family accounts etc... and the number of people using Bitcoin and being affected by it scales massively.
Remember that Amazon started selling books in 1995... and what they sold grew from there to the point of selling almost everything. I believe that eventually (who knows when) something similar could happen with Bitcoin - possibly with Micropayments on something like Stacker News or social media. They're cheap and quick... they help reduce spam and people like getting paid out in sats.