Some of the best times come when your kid is old enough to understand what is going on around him or her. I once made a demonstration of how long you get to interact with a kid with quality time. I took a 72 inch string to represent the full life of your child. Then I cut about 51 inches off of it, to represent when your child becomes an adult. Then I cut off 5 more inches to represent your child getting a driver, license. On the other end, I cut off 5 inches to represent them being too young to do a lot with as a father. That left 11 inches, representing the eleven years you have a chance to have quality time with you child that can never be replaced. Those are the years you get to turn your child from a kid into an adult in the image you would like him or her to be. Only those 11 years!!
Not sure what type of parent I'll be. I'm assuming I'd be the hands off type....hopefully not neglectful. I'd be happy as long as they are a truth seeker, wouldn't want to shape them into something that they end up regretting, although I'm not sure what direction or how much hand holding/shaping is necessary. I really should focus on spending quality time with the kid, 11 years seems like a lot but out of 72 it seems extremely short. Thanks for the advice and story.
You’re welcome! Please use your time wisely.