This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Are postings in non-english languages welcome? For example in Germany we have a very strong Bitcoin community with a very high activity: new posts, translations, podcasts, apps. I would publish or link everything so that German-speaking stackers take note of all the new content. Any comments?
No of public LN channels has been flat since start of 2022 but the public capacity has gone up 40% afaict
Pretty sure European currencies are going to 0. Then the fed will be like "We need CBDC, right now to avoid the same. We need to ban all kinds of things and we also need to nuke Russia"
And they will do it.
But here is the thing, EU losing their currencies means they lose what they have left. They just been printing wealth for the last 20 years pretty much. When their currencies goes to 0 the economy will revert to whats productive, but nothing in Europe is productive. They will not be able to afford energy, internet, or anything. They are going to become very poor and it will happen fast imo. So you should leave Europe right now, and if you cant, you need to prepare for the electricity to go out and not come back in your life time. Bitcoin wont save you i dont think.
I wrote the following at 9am but didn't post until now because I got distracted by something.
Bitcoin Brunch coming up in about an hour. I just finish my the third and final part in my essay, The Bitcoin Only Band, which I will recite at 2pm today. Last night Chimp and I had a successful session on our live Saturday Night LIT podcast. I will work a bit more on the format to make sure we fill up the whole 90 minutes without straining, and then will focus on audience development, which will at at least include boost bombing a bunch of podcasts.

Tip of the day !

How to use Blixt and Robosats to buy sats

I made this graphical scheme as an image to be easily understand and maybe printed and shared with your nocoiners friends that want to start with Bitcoin. Is named: Infrastructure Spending Machine
MENTION: The use of Dunder could be replaced also with a regular channel, by depositing onchain into your Blixt and open a regular LN channel to any other node.
@k00b you should adapt SN to Bitcoin Time, that is UTC...
Time for what? Daily discussion?
posted everyday at 5am central.
I suppose that is 5AM central US not central Europe, right?
I have prepared plenty of firewood 😉😉😉
а давайте сами обо всем договоримся в интернете... скажем так, децентролизованно.
There will be a time in which a million sats will be a lot of money.
a million sats is already a lot of money in some places in the world
Working on a fun project at while learning React. Recently been busy playing carpenter but today I'm back, developing a feature which allows for adding a background to business cards/bookmarks created with the card generator 😉
Have a great Bitcoin Sunday ahead!