This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Why arent nationalists allowed to win? I thought the point of democracy was to allow people create great nations to live in. But maybe it just exists to keep things like EU and UN in power, idk
Learn what really means the word "democracy".
Also I am strongly recommending you to take 1h from your precious time and watch this amazing explanation about how this system works.
Just sold 2 SN hats to @Lv99_slacker. 3 left from this first batch.
but where does one acquire one of these hats?
DM me on twitter/telegram. 10 domestic shipping. Comes with 2 stickers. If you're in Austin you can also just come pick them up at Pleb Lab.
sir, are these the new NFTs? 😂😂 Actually real NFTs... you can't right click a SN hat.
That's right! Tune in for the next drop.
sir... I am living on the Death Star. Can you deliver to 24 parsecs ?
lol I can deliver wherever FedEx does.
I'm going to become an auctioneer and move to Texas.
I'm bid 1 would you give 2,2?
I'm waiting for an MMORPG that uses sats as the in-game currency. It's only a matter of time!
thats a bad idea imo. MMORPGs need to be immersive and when u put sats as the currency it can break the immersion. what i would like to see tho is an open platform where people could trade any MMORPG currency or items that are otherwise tradable in game against sats.
I was a gamer many years (playing WoW a lot), but I would like to see this too. Until then, here is a list of games with sats:
Thanks Darth, I'll check these out!
Square Enix invested in Zebedees last round…
I got up pretty early, as I tend to do. Haven't gotten anything done yet today, but after a 40 hour work week I won't hold it against myself. However if I keep that up I will, so after I write this little comment I plan to spend the next several hours writing essays for bitcoin brunch and content for my newer project, Saturday Night LIT, which you can catch live tonight at 8:30pm EST. If you have Curiocaster or Podverse setup you can even send BOOSTagrams during the show. So far we mostly shoot the shit, discuss the pains of getting set-up with Podcasting 2.0, we play some of our original music, I try my hand at some comedy, and we ONLY accept bitcoin donations. If you want to catch up live and don't have one of the aforemention apps, you can catch the livestream here, and please subscribe to use in your podcast app to catch missed and future episodes.
PS I might fix an old phone screen that I've put off several months.

Tip of the day

Alternative to LNDHUB accounts: Hosted Channels (HC) with Cliche + Poncho + SBW

Disclaimer: I do not want to shill SBW or cliche or any other LN solution, all my tips are based on my regular testing and learning about LN solutions and just want to give some hints to users that don't know about their existence.
Use case scenarios:
  • you want to offer services as "LN bank" to friends and/or family
  • you want to offer "commercial services" with HC to public users
  • you want to use HC for personal use with your own node
You have your own home node? Great, install Poncho onto your CLN node machine and start offering HC. All clients of your HC can use your node as LSP. Also can use multiple HCs and SBW having by default MPP, all payments will be routed through multiple HCs. This could improve a lot the traffic on LN and also add a certain level of privacy.
If you offer to your friends and family, in a private mode, they just have to scan your node QR address in SBW and add the HC provided. You can set the amount of the HC as you wish. You can set also the fees between them and with other destinations. This works the same as LNTXBOT.
If you offer HC to public users, you will need to be aware of the liquidity you have available, but also you can earn more sats from selling and routing using these HCs to the public. Many normal users, that do not have options to run their own nodes, will want to use SBW with HCs.
If you use HCs for yourself, also is a good way to use your own node in a more private way, adding an extra step/hop in your private txs. You can set private HC for yourself with any amount you want from your own Poncho server and in this way you will never reveal all the balance you have in your node. Having also multiple HCs in your SBW with other providers all activate a nice MPP route that will help your wallet to not have payment failures.
Enjoy! Think about this alternative.