I got up pretty early, as I tend to do. Haven't gotten anything done yet today, but after a 40 hour work week I won't hold it against myself. However if I keep that up I will, so after I write this little comment I plan to spend the next several hours writing essays for bitcoin brunch and content for my newer project, Saturday Night LIT, which you can catch live tonight at 8:30pm EST. If you have Curiocaster or Podverse setup you can even send BOOSTagrams during the show. So far we mostly shoot the shit, discuss the pains of getting set-up with Podcasting 2.0, we play some of our original music, I try my hand at some comedy, and we ONLY accept bitcoin donations. If you want to catch up live and don't have one of the aforemention apps, you can catch the livestream here, and please subscribe to use in your podcast app to catch missed and future episodes.
PS I might fix an old phone screen that I've put off several months.