Why don't you people understand that without taxes society would cease to function. That millions and millions would die. There would be no infrastructure to travel at any quick rate. You morons fail to realize the negatives of no taxes FAR outweigh the pros. Your personal greed is disgusting and gets in the way of your ability to have empathy for anyone or care about anyone but yourselves.
122 sats \ 2 replies \ @DarthCoin 8h
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @AJ1992 8h
Please Darth go throw yourself off a cliff. Please. So many of us on here are so sick of your 'higher than thou' attitude and failure to engage with anyone who disagrees with you. You're batshit crazy and you are the most close minded individual I think I've ever run into. Instead of having a conversation with someone that may disagree with you, you post memes and sling insults. Tell me how, exactly, that would make anyone want to listen to anything you say about anything?
go back to your garbage