Thank you for your patience and time to respond.
SN doesn't run your attached wallet.
So I configured something wrong? Or what can I do to make SN run now with my attached wallet and not use the SN wallet anymore?
51 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 16 Oct
No you didn't configure anything wrong as far as I know. We just can't guarantee your attached wallet pays or can pay the invoices we send it because it's operated by coinos - not SN.
There's lot of reasons why a lightning payment might fail:
  • the sender's wallet didn't have enough money
  • the sender's wallet was offline or experienced an error
  • the sender's wallet couldn't find a route to sn
  • sn couldn't find a route to the receiver's wallet after the sender successfully routed the payment to SN's node
  • the receiver didn't accept the payment
All of these are mostly out of SN's control with attached wallets.
Thank you very much my friend for your answers and your time @k00b I recharged some more to the wallet and then I was able to make my first two to other users from my attached wallet in Coinos, one payment was made immediately and the second failed, however I pressed retry and it worked instantly.