I'm a bit tired, so I am probably misunderstanding this point. If I have an external receiving wallet, but the person zapping me does not have an external sending wallet, he will send me cowboy credits? This means that even with both types of external wallets linked to my account, I may still end up with cowboy credits?
101 sats \ 8 replies \ @ek 14 Oct
So, to get rid of these credits, I need to zap someone else with them? Will there be a priority ranking between using those credits or my external wallet whenever credits are still available?
Where there is a clear advantage for you to use one or the other, we will do that. Where it's ambiguous, we will have a setting letting you express your preference.
Ok, great. Thanks. Hope it'll be a smooth ride and you can get back to non-wallet related stuff soon... must have been quite the adventure.
10.1k sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b OP 14 Oct
Thanks. It has been. There's nothing more draining for a founder than working on something that no one wants, but it's exciting to be nearly done.
For what it's worth, these efforts might indirectly pay off for all the external wallet services that use NWC, etc. Often a chicken and egg problem, you've created demand for stable ways to connect external wallets hence incentivizing those services to develop their tools. Just guessing here.
Looking forward to the territory and subterritory stuff.
Celebrate a bit first though. Have a beer or burger on me at Fat Sal's if they are still around. Last time I was in Austin was ages ago. Might be there in December for work.
10k sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 14 Oct
Thanks! That's my hope with lightning wallets too and I cannot wait to give territories their due finally.
I'll be taking an overdue vacation once this is all done.
1247 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 14 Oct
doubled by author
I want SN to stick around, so by association, I want this change.