I'm in my mid 40's, I do exercise twice a week and walk my dog almost every day.
But, every now and then I see some signs of my age... Just to share some silly examples, when sitting in a sofa or tying my shoelaces I make a weird sound...my ability to stay focused on a specific thing is getting worse.
Have you noticed something similar or any sign that you are getting older?
not really, I still feel like being a 20 something πŸ‘€ and ppl keep asking am I a student:)
and from what I've read, aging is about the mind.
Yay, finally some positivity in this thread πŸ˜…
Bitcoiners age like fine wine. That's my story and I'm sticking with it
it's all about the mind, and from what I've read - time is only a measurement, not a cause of aging. πŸ‘€ e.g., before the birthday and after the birthday, you are still the same you! But if you have been upset or unhappy for a while, you really do age!
This happens a lot to short people. I know, because it has happened to me many times too.
fun fact: the definition of "short" changes as you go around.
the main reason for "being young" for me is mostly genetic and mind, not to mention I eat and sleep quite well ( pretty low stress compared with most people), I use natural products, and only do things that I enjoy. πŸ‘€
every now and then something makes me feel old, like when i hear young people trashing ankle socks, when i see that new balance trainers are considered cool now and then finally when i think that a 24 year old was born after the Matrix was first released
26 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 10 Oct
Getting harder to read stuff up close 😭
Don't tell me about it...now I need glasses to play tennis 🎾.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 10 Oct
Every day, but I really am old. Watching baseball playoffs, I can't believe these little kids are in the major leagues.
Yes, that happens to me as well. Watching sports and even some politicians...some of them are way younger than me.
I mainly notice my age (headed towards 40) when I see the young people or see people as the young ones haha as I often stil think I’m a young one
In my mid 40’s and feel like I’m in the best shape of my life. I run, do planks, pull ups and pull ups daily! Getting off fiat processed food has helped a ton lately. I’ve never eaten more meat or felt so strong. I also picked up cold immersion, next up is the sauna and working on meditation. I also have two young boys that keep me young! Proof of work at its finest! There are 3 things money can’t buy: a fit body, a clear mind, and a house filled with love!
I am aware of this every day and although I am 24 years old, I feel that time is passing too quickly for the number of projects and dreams I want to fulfill.
sign that you are getting older?
I saw this in two aspects.
  1. Aging

I first noticed this when I was in my 30's taking advanced technical courses with smart people younger than me. My thoughts were slower than theirs and it was harder for me to understand the concepts.
  1. Health

During my early 50's I slowly and unknowingly developed a "brain fog". This was caused by very high blood sugar. My eyesight was affected so it seemed to be a literal fog. After I got educated on carbohydrates and eliminated them, the symptoms went away.
63 sats \ 0 replies \ @fm 10 Oct
oh man.. Hangovers take double time memory not too good but nothing worst than finding grey pubes
In my mid 40's I started noticing a lessening of mental acuity like this - I used to be able to hold a number in my head and use it immediately, but I started needing to "check" it.
For instance - before, look at a 7 digit phone number and dial it. After - look at the 7 digit phone number, dial the first part, look again, dial the next part.
This type of very, very slow decline, and loss in energy was ongoing...until I started the carnivore diet. The brain fog didn't lift completely, and immediately, but for some people it does. For me it's been much more gradual, but very noticeable. The improvement that was more immediate is the increase in energy. That one factor alone will make me stick to this for a lifetime.
And just also seeing so many people my age eating the standard diet, or even the standard "healthy" diet, and being almost crippled, frequently ill, knee issues, all kinds of things.
I don't think you need to go all-in, on carnivore, you can get massive benefits from keto and low-carb as well.
Yes, 44 now. I went through quite significant declination of health 3 years back. Till then, I was feeling quite good (not much sport, reasonable food), but suddenly, bang. My body told me "Hey man, you are not young anymore". So I'm learning how to live with it. Small morning exercises (yoga like), and some calinestatic. Listening to podcast about how to improve life (or limit really harming stuff like junk food, carbs, etc.). I'm also fighting with brain fog. I'm not able to focus 8 hours/day 5day/week (IT job). I admitted, that younger kinds are smarter, faster than me. It was a bit painful, but... yes, that is the life. Now, I switch from mode "I'm can do and be what ever I want." to "I'm happy that I can catch the modern IT train and I can be still useful for others". It sounds depressive, but I need to be picky there I invest my energy as the resources are way more limited. BTW there was some study recently, showing that aging has 2 steps (most noticable). After 40 and after 60 :)
You can also noticed "things" about your digestive system. In your 20's you can eat anything and not gain a pound, in your 40+ you have one slice of pizza and your butt will shake for a week...lol (and gain 5 pounds)
Getting further and further along those verses, currently around
Plans that either come to naught Or half a page of scribbled lines
Not quite yet quiet desperation.
22 sats \ 1 reply \ @random_ 10 Oct
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older. Shorter of breath, One day closer to death!
Dark side of the moon πŸŒ™
it's totally possible to live almost pain-free if you are always learning! like tai chi, climbing, rotating the shoulders while hanging on the bar, stretching, yoga, etc. everytime i walk the dog to the park i do dips, pulls-ups, and leg raises while hanging.
in my case, for example, with climbing, jumping down from the last few feet requires no skill. the younger people rely on the cartilage to handle the impact. older more experienced climbers reserve the jumping for the moves where there is no way around the jumping.
every strain adds up - it's a marathon not a sprint.
another way of looking at it: if you can't do something comfortably, you are not good at it. so either don't do it at all, or start practicing. i like the cross-fit mentality of not sucking at anything and being really good at something (however i detest the corporate cross-fit culture that damages bodies thru extreme competition).
When you mentioned the focus, I completely identified. I feel my mind is much more scattered than it used to be, and to learn something new I need to work hard
I am aware of getting older. I am and will not deny myself of what is really happening. The truth hurts but I know that I am old. Old enough to stack SATS.
I find more and more gray hairs on my head and I’m only 33
I've noticed I am getting older. My hair is getting grayer, my purpose is more focused, I rarely get bored as I am always busy, I have some wrinkles in my skin, and my marathon times aren't as good as they used to be.
I also am wiser, and happy. Things are great, but I am not a huge fan of blinking my eyes on Monday and it is already Friday. Time feels like its moving by much quicker the older I get.
Yep, I broke my hand when I was younger and since turning 44 it often aches quite noticeably. Very recently seem to struggle to sleep properly after a couple of glasses of red wine, used to sleep like a baby…
Recently I find that I can no longer read small print as well as I used to ;(
Yes, and it sucks.
Every single minute. I hate getting old.
This post is just in time!
Rafael Nadal Announces Retirement From Tennis #716972
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 10 Oct
Yeah same. I try to exercise every morning as well as some intermittent fasting.
We need to adapt if we're going to see Bitcoin really succeed.
I'm 54 and when I hit 50 my eyes started not working as well but there are habits I had that probably increased this atrophy.
Yes, your body is material and all material things wear out. In this age of Kali Yuga which will end in less than 5,000 years. Your body will barely reach 100 and towards the end an old person will be in their 30s.
Spiritually this is a great time to center with The Supreme Godhead. Your spiritual life has no expiration date so it's a great time to use your material body to serve God. Your are serving anyway but happiness will come by mindfully doing so.
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