Source: Robinhood Markets investor presentation
Basically millennials are broke. Gen X doing okay. Boomers are crushing it. But over the next 20-30 years things will drastically change.
Will be interesting to see how this affects productivity of younger generations.
gov will scrape all that before it gets to next generations due to debt / new tools to capture all wealth movement.
19 sats \ 2 replies \ @xz 9 Oct
That's what I was thinking. Not so much redistribution as evaporation.
ya, there is no transfer if its already gone, ya kno? like wiley coyote running and he hasnt looked down to see hes run off the cliff yet.
26 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 9 Oct
What's up, doc?
The global power structure is changing. There will be huge wealth redistribution as a consequence of factors many are ignoring. USA has not had a trade surplus since the 1970s. US debt is unsustainable- USA is trading while insolvent. If it loses USD fiat debt seigniorage and hegemony USA is no longer the number one empire. China is now the strongest manufacturing economy and not only produces the goods most nations want at the best price but also controls most commodity markets. Few if any nations can afford not to trade with China. USA only remains dominant due to legacy control over the fiat monetary system USD/SWIFT. This legacy dominance is easily lost. China has already built its own independent CBDC monetary system which enables trade payments and internal liquidity. Iran and Russia are now reliant upon Chinas new trade payments system and are selling China oil and gas at discount prices while they attack US associates and impose huge cost upon USA. This is a proxy war for global dominance and the USA looks like losing. Wealth redistribution will be significant- already more new millionaires and billionaires are created in China then the USA.
5 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 8 Oct
How? I'm curious. What changes?
The ones that actually hold Bitcoin for the long term will inherit it all. A new type of wealth transfer.
Yep, along with some hard assets...
Practical, day to day freedom will by far be the most valuable intangible asset, so better get off all the radars while you can!
Never let the state know where you're at, if you can avoid it ;-)
Boomers are going to start dying of old age over the coming decades. Their children, predominantly Millenials, are about to inherit their massive hoards.
It'll have to change because boomers will be no more. There's no question how this gonna happen but how will it impact is a question for sure.
How much of this will get sucked up by BlackRock and healthcare companies though? The great wealth transfer may trickle to many corporations
Boomers are going to squander it and use it in their retirement, because most of them didnt save money well. The only reason they hold wealth is because of real estate.
Boa noite