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Many of us aspire to attain The Bitcoin Standard because this means that we have stepped off the hedonistic treadmill, retreated from the rat race, and started living a life that is subjected to our own whims. But till then, we have to withstand the tumult of daily life and remain unaffected by the siege of the fiat life.
How do you maintain your energy level at a peak so that you can accomplish all/most of what you set out to do? The ingredients of a high-performing life will probably include quality sleep, a balanced diet, doing creative and/or deep work, connecting with friends and strangers alike, exercise, time for hobbies, among many others. I’m curious to know, how do you curate and combine these ingredients to create high-signal, high-voltage energy levels that enable you to power through your day?
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Sleep is paramount.
Then, in no specific order: Diet Exercise Relationships Breathing
I have been putting more focus on sleep these days. It really makes a difference
A few unsorted thoughts
  • It's easiest for me to stick to prescribed morning and nighttime routines
  • The middle of the day can become complicated, but having some principles that I'm aspiring to helps stay on course
  • I don't stress unnecessarily about my performance in the fiat mines: if the boss has no complaints, then I don't need to worry
  • Knowing my priorities: family > self > work
  • Be open to feedback from yourself and others
  • Pursue your interests, unless something else is truly urgent
I like particularly your point about having broad principles to follow in the afternoon. I aim to be unflappable and malleable - like water
Sleep, diet and exercise are most important in my opinion.
I also think varying your activities (not sitting in front of the computer all day), moving around, breaking up your work with some different activities in between. I am a big proponent of doing something different every couple hours even if you have a lot to get done. Can also be a work task but just something different. Staying on the same task for 8-10 hours or more is very draining for me. Need more variety. When I had my business we would work these long projects sometimes to get it all done in a day. 10 or 12 hours straight essentially doing the same thing over and over. I found that much more exhausting than even longer days where I have a variety of different thigs to do. A new task coming up always seemed to keep my mind fresh and didn't notice getting physically or mentally tired.
I've learned that DIET is paramount.
I was living what most people would have considered a very health lifestyle a year ago. So basically:
  • regular exercise
  • healthy weight
  • good sleep
  • "healthy" diet (lots of fruits, veggies, fiber, not too much red meat)
I had medium energy with this lifestyle.
But starting the carnivore diet (i.e. only animal products, which is of course also almost zero carb) has been a complete game changer. Within 3 weeks I had so much more energy. Then as my body has become more accustomed to getting energy mostly from fat, my energy levels have gotten even better.
I'm rarely tired now, and am full of ideas, projects, and plans. It's not something I expected to happen with a dietary change, but that's what happened.