I found this mainstream article very interesting. Try to ignore the ubiquitous use of the word crypto Dive deep and they are really talking about bitcoin.
Everyone on CNBC sees bitcoin as a risk asset. Maybe this will open their eyes.
"This whole recovery has been much more driven by ardent bitcoin believers, who view it as somewhat of a hedge outside of the existing financial system,” he says.
I think it is a matter of perspective. People who don't understand Bitcoin think they are being aggressive owning it but people that understand it know they are being conservative and see it as savings.
Also, I hate that they use the word crypto.
Exactly. This is a shocking revelation to some audiences.
We have to admit that because of bitcoin's volatility, many people can't handle the adrenaline rush of having their savings in bitcoin.
Bitcoin's volatility will never dampen if people always only view it as a risk asset so it's about educating them.
"The average holding among their conservative counterparts: 17%." It shows that everyone is aware if btc, and all kinds of people are buying. As more people accept it, it will become more stable. I cant wait for that day.
133 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 7 Oct
A lot of crypto investors are significantly more likely to be anti-establishment, with less trust in the systems, less trust in the government. The ironic thing is, they might feel like it’s less risk to have some diversification out of dollars and out of stocks.
I love how it’s unfathomable to them that it could indeed be less risky to not hold everything in USD.
They think they are streets ahead but they are streets behind.
Exactly. I'm looking forward to watching their opinions evolve.
44 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 7 Oct
I’d settle for awkward silence
It's right the others are just money badgers. Only Bitcoin people are ardent to take thos innovation further. That too not all only a few.
I believe that anything outside the existing financial system is an improvement...lol
Very interesting, I definitely know many people over than 50 that are starting to learn about bitcoin and get exposure, unfortunately through ETFs though...