Network effects are very real! This is how I know Bitcoin will win. This is why I don’t know if Nostr will.
I’ve heard it often that to get people to “switch” from one thing to another, it’s not enough for Stacker News to be twice as good as /r/bitcoin. It needs to be at least 10x as good!
Luckily Bitcoin is 1000x better than fiat.
imo SN is way better than nostr. nostr, at least right now, is an interesting idea but an empty shell. It's just random pictures and 'hey look at my breakfast' pictures. It's a total waste of time and generally devoid of substance imo... where I feel that SN is generally the opposite.
Reddit is similar to SN... but SN has a higher barrier to entry requiring actual zaps.
Ha! Yea I never thought of it that way. As opposed to being free, SN costs money.
But ever since @grayruby started me with 1000 referral sats I’ve been off to the races! I can see tho how it would be a barrier to entry.
So are you creating a “muh breakfast” territory? ~breakfast
Yeah with no algos it’s hard to find things that engaging. Plus people you want to see notes from her buried. It has a long way to go but also remember nostr is more than just a twitter clone. One thing that is working great with nostr is Nostr Wallet Connect
It's a really interesting idea... however right now IMO it's kinda aimless. 1 or 2 lines of text about a random pleb's breakfast isn't interesting to me - it doesn't relate to the things I'm interested in.
I honestly don't know why people are pushing it so much. SN way better overall
It’s all about chasing clout and follower count. Of course, we on SN know that tracking follower count is a shitcoin.
SN just doesn’t hit the same. Days of cowboy hat is a participation trophy. Sats stacked can be bought by just donating and getting rewards back.
But the lie you tell your ego that THOUSANDS of people are hanging on your every note or tweet? That’s a feeling SN can’t buy.
Anyways, cheers to the real cowboys who care about meaningful connection over empty clickbait. 🤠
I like SN I feel it has a lot of substance. Nostr at the present time doesn't really. Nostr is... like 2 lines without any context and no substance around it for the most part. It's a quantity over quality issue.
There are some interesting insights but honestly I'm not sure that Nostr will make it without some other kinds of features. Payjoins, coinjoins something tangible. SN is quality over quantity imo and that's why I'm here
Takes over 280 characters to provide quality.
But, like, I can't make any sats on r/bitcoin...
100 sats to you, cowboy 🤠
Is the LN tip bot no longer around?
I’ve seen it in some telegram groups. Is it on SN?
No, it was a thing on reddit
Man I first heard of Reddit in like 2010 I think. Look how long it took before got traction. Same with twitch for remember twitch back in like 2007 before e girls were even a thing.
Besides if it’s just us then let it ride!! Let’s enjoy while we can!
/r/bitcoin is shit now and filled with bots
I only spent a little time browsing there. Once I got a Twitter I was hooked and never looked back!
That is, until I found Stacker News!🫡